How Simple SmartBook Reports Help Boost Confidence!

Published July 20, 2018

By Morgan Boer, McGraw-Hill, University of Dubuque Student

Morgan Boer

Anatomy & Physiology courses require intensive learning and tedious study habits to learn all of the necessary material in this challenging course. Students struggle with knowing what information to study during the course of the semester. Each student has different knowledge gaps and there are many tools built into Connect to tailor to the students’ individual studying needs effectively.

I am a student at the University of Dubuque and I am a triple major in Marketing, Business Administration, and Accounting. Currently I am an intern for the Product Marketing team here at McGraw-Hill. I have used McGraw-Hill’s Connect products in a large number of my classes. The major theme that stands out to me is how to find the most efficient method to study for each class in order to maximize my time. Learning is a process and it takes discipline and consistency in order to earn the grade you desire in a course. More students need to take advantage of the reports while they are studying!

Personally, I believe that the reports provide me guidance on what material I am struggling with. I go back over the questions I miss and I re-read the material that discussed the information in the question. This is a great method to study because you are using self-assessment for retention of the material as well as re-reading the text. Getting the questions correct that I missed the first or second time a tried them boost my confidence level with the material. The reports provide direction and structure for the students to study throughout the semester and become more prepared for the exams.

I am thrilled about the reports feature because it allows me to review the content I am less familiar with at my own pace and helps me practice successful study habits. Students can even use the reports for guidance if they need additional help from an instructor, tutor, or peer. At the University of Dubuque, I am an Academic Success Tutor for many courses including Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Geology, and Statistics. When students make tutoring appointments for classes that use Connect products, it makes it very easy for me to see the concepts the student needs assistance with by looking at their Missed Questions Report for the course. Using this report makes the tutor session run smoothly and I can cover the concepts that the student is less comfortable with.

At McGraw-Hill, we believe that learning changes everything. Learning should be individualized to the student’s personal needs. We have a reports feature within SmartBook to help students organize different information. There are many reports that can help including the Missed Questions, Most Challenging LO’s, Current Learning Status, and many more. These are exciting features to be used in the classroom and to study most efficiently and gain confidence with the course material. Learn more about the Missed Questions Report from an Instructor’s point of view by clicking on Bill Hoover’s interview with the Succeed at A&P podcast above:

If you have any questions about the reports or any of our other products, please feel free to contact the Product Marketing Team directly at