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Training & Assessment for Microsoft Office Applications
SIMnet® is a leading training and assessment platform for developing students’ skills in Microsoft Excel, Word, Access, PowerPoint, and Outlook! In addition to Microsoft Office, SIMnet also boosts students’ skills in generative AI, computer concepts, file management, and operating systems.
SIMnet has served more than 2 million students and 19,000 instructors and has issued more than 1 million digital badges to validate students’ proficiency.

Course Content in SIMnet , Link will open in a new window
Find products available in SIMnet to develop students’ skills in computer applications and concepts.
Digital Badges , Link will open in a new window
SIMnet has issued more than 1 million digital badges that students can showcase on resumes and LinkedIn profiles.
Certification Preparation , Link will open in a new window
Prepare students to achieve industry-recognized certification with SIMnet’s complimentary MOS prep materials.
Marketable skills. Remarkable results.
With SIMnet, you can empower your students’ careers with essential skills and make a lasting impact on their futures.
Data Analytics Using Excel , Link will open in a new window
Develop students’ skills in data analytics with SIMnet’s new content on Power Query, Power Pivot, and Power BI.
Digital Badges’ Impact on Students’ Employability , Link will open in a new window
Hear how SIMnet’s digital badges help students achieve employment and advance in their careers.
A SIMnet Success Story at Navarro College , Link will open in a new window
Hear how instructor Karla Swanson leveraged SIMnet to improve retention and pass rates in her course.