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Math Programs for Mississippi
View one of the presentations below to learn how our math programs can make a difference in your classroom.
Core Math and Math Personalized Learning Programs
Grades K–5
Grades 6–8
Grades 6–8
Grades 9–12
Grades 9–12
Grades K–12 Personlized Learning
Math Overview for Mississippi
Aligned to Mississippi Academic Standards for Math
McGraw Hill strives to meet the rigorous Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Learning Standards for Math to keep you and your students positioned for success.
Integrates active recognition and problem-solving through reasoning
Students will think abstractly and quantitatively to be the driving force in solving real-world problems
Applies mathematics in relevant everyday life, society, and the workplace
McGraw Hill’s math solutions give students the knowledge they need to strategically use tools to build mathematic proficiency.