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Grades K–5
Research, Success, and Thought Leadership for the Wonders Literacy Curriculum
Wonders Research and Success
Wonders uses research-proven best practices to help students grow as readers, writers, communicators, and life-ready learners. Explore our qualitative and quantitative data demonstrating the program's efficacy and success.

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A third-party evaluation of text complexity and quality, knowledge building, and usability, in which Wonders met all expectations and achieved several of the highest possible scores.

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Case studies and testimonials from a range of customers in districts with differing needs, all of whom acknowledge that Wonders contributed to student success.

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An independent efficacy study, in which the students using Wonders showed significant gains from beginning-of-year to end-of-year exams, indicating "promising" evidence of program impact.
English Learners Research
Using research-based routines that are designed to support English learners, Wonders ELL components support the four domains of English language acquisition: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Learn more about our research-based practices:

Thought Leadership
Wonders draws upon decades of rigorous literacy research studies, as well as collaborative work with preeminent reading researchers and experts, to provide high-quality literacy instruction.

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Learn more about the Science of Reading from our Wonders Literacy Experts.
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Watch these quick videos to find out how one school district used Wonders to boost student engagement and support blended learning.

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Discover simple teaching tips from McGraw Hill Curriculum Specialists that you can implement today!