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Pedagogy & Features for
McGraw-Hill My Math
Made for Student Success
Built around the Standards for Mathematical Practices, McGraw-Hill My Math engages students with the focus, coherence and rigor required by state standards. The program has an intuitive lesson format and digital tools to develop customized content. Digital accessibility with any device help you to plan, sequence, and deliver instruction that works best for your students anytime, anywhere.
Aligns to the Core and requires kids to think more, talk more, and write more about learning math. It is definitely asking students to reflect and/or think more about problem-solving.
Renee Rudolph, K–12 District Math Curriculum Coordinator, Minot Public School District, ND
The Rigor You Need
What is challenging can also be fun
McGraw-Hill My Math inspires students to embrace the power of math through real-world applications, experiencing just how fun math success can be. The program interweaves the three components of rigor—conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application—enabling your students to steadily progress and grow their math confidence.
It follows a progression. It gives plenty of practice on a skill before jumping to something else. It is very focused.
Candice Gaster, 5th Grade Math Teacher, Pleasant Hill Elementary, SC

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The Personalization You Need
No two students learn alike, and no two teachers teach alike

Personalization in Instruction
Log in to the Teacher Center and see the multiple ways you can optimize—and yes, personalize—your classroom planning, presentations, and differentiated instruction for every student.
Creativity in Instruction
Interactive pre-made lesson presentations can be rearranged and customized to make them your own. Digital eTools are embedded at point-of-use to allow for an interactive presentation.

Math & Literacy Connections
My Learning Stations are filled with fun, ready-made math activities, games, and Real-World Problem Solving readers, offering all learners the chance to access the text and gain appropriate understanding.

ELL Differentiation
Three levels of differentiation for English Language Learners—Emerging, Expanding, and Bridging—are at every lesson, so students thrive through immersion.
Inspire a lifelong love of math
Meaningful student engagement opportunities allow students to interact with math their way:
- Talk Math, Vocabulary Cards, Foldables®
- Real-World Problem Solving
- Digital Resources
- Hands-On Resources
They love how engaging it is. The kids say, 'It's colorful. It's fun. Math is fun again!
Amy Sheridan, District Math Coordinator, Janesville School District, WI

Dinah Zike’s Foldables®

My Learning Station

My Vocabulary Cards
Strong, Equitable Instruction
Focus on skill development to address gaps in understanding with digital and hands-on resources included in the McGraw-Hill My Math Learning Solution. Strengthen the core McGraw-Hill My Math instruction with teacher-led, independent learning and small-group activities designed to boost a range of implementation models.
Engaging games developed by Stanford University are included in the McGraw-Hill My Math Learning Solution. They provide students with individualized remediation and acceleration opportunities.