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Help! How do I describe the difference between Current Progress vs. Module Grade to my students?

Thank you for reaching out!

A student’s Module Grade represents the number of topics a student has learned in that module by the due date, as a percentage score.  The Module Grade can be located within the student’s ALEKS grade and will always be the highest score in learning that has occurred before the module due date.

A student’s Current Progress represents the topics they currently know and can be influenced by knowledge checks.  Topics learned after the module due date, as well as topics that are not retained based on a student’s knowledge check, will influence a student’s Current Progress.  Therefore, a student’s Current Progress may differ from their Module Grade.

The Module Grade is what is used to calculate a student’s ALEKS grade, according to the instructor’s grading policy.  The comparison of a student’s Current Progress vs. Module Grade can be seen in the student’s Module Report.

Share this video on how students can check their progress in ALEKS in your next class.

Show your students how they can check their grades in ALEKS with this video in your next class.