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Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 3rd Edition
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Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology blends up-to-date science, stimulating writing, high-quality art, and cutting-edge educational technology to provide the most effective teaching and learning program available in the one-semester anatomy and physiology course.
The distinctive pedagogy of the text revolves around the theme of "Elevate Learning". From "Base Camp" to "Assess Your Learning Outcomes", the student experiences a clear sense of the path ahead, a convenient means of charting progress, and a satisfying sense of accomplishment at the end.
1 The Study of Anatomy and Physiology
2 Life, Matter, and Energy
3 Cells
4 Histology- The Tissue Level of Organization
PART 2 Support and Movement
5 The Integumentary System
6 The Skeletal System
7 The Muscular System
PART 3 Internal Coordination
8 The Nervous System I: Nerve Cells, the Spinal Cord, and Reflexes
9 The Nervous System II: The Brain, Cranial Nerves, and Autonomic Nervous System
10 The Sense Organs
11 The Endocrine System
PART 4 Circulation and Defense
12 The Circulatory System I: Blood
13 The Circulatory System II: The Heart and Blood Vessels
14 The Lymphatic System and Immunity
PART 5 Intake and Output
15 The Respiratory System
16 The Urinary System
17 The Digestive System
18 Nutrition and Metabolism
PART 6 Human Life Cycle
19 The Reproductive System
20 Human Development and Aging
Appendix A: Answer Keys A-1
Appendix B: Health Science Careers A-8
Appendix C: Symbols, Weights, and Measures A-11
Appendix D: Biomedical Word Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes A-13
Appendix E: Periodic Table of the Elements A-17
Glossary G-1
Index I-1
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About the Author
Kenneth Saladin
Kenneth S. Saladin is Professor of Biology at Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville, Georgia, where he has taught since 1977. Ken teaches human anatomy and physiology, introductory medical physiology, histology, animal behavior, and natural history of the Galápagos Islands. He has also previously taught introductory biology, general zoology, sociobiology, parasitology, and biomedical etymology. Ken is a member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society, American Association of Anatomists, American Physiological Society, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, and American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is the author of the best-selling textbooks Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function and Human Anatomy. Ken and his wife Diane have two adult children.
Robin McFarland
Robin McFarland has taught anatomy and physiology at Cabrillo College in Aptos, CA since 1998. She earned a Ph.D. in physical (biological) anthropology from the University of Washington, where she studied the relationship between body fat and reproduction in primates.Robin collaborates on studies of ape anatomy with Adrienne Zihlman at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Robin is a member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society, American Association of Anatomists, and American Association of Physical Anthropologists. She was also contributing author to Human Anatomy, second edition, by Ken Saladin. She and her husband Jeff have two children, Reid and Madeleine. Robin enjoys hiking and climbing mountains with her family.
Christina A. Gan
Christina A. Gan, digital author for Connect, has been teaching anatomy and physiology, genetics, microbiology, and general biology at Highline College near Seattle, Washington, since 2004. Before that, she taught at Rogue Community College in Medford, Oregon for 6 years. She earned her M.A. in biology from Humboldt State University where she studied population genetics, and is a member of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society. When she is not in the classroom or developing digital media, she is climbing, mountaineering, skiing, kayaking, sailing, cycling, and mountain biking throughout the Pacific Northwest.
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