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Biology, 13th Edition
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The Raven & Johnson's Biology author team is committed to continually improving the text, keeping the student and learning foremost. The integrated pedagogical features expand the students' learning process and enhance their learning experience. This latest edition of the text maintains the clear, accessible, and engaging writing style of past editions with the solid framework of pedagogy that highlights an emphasis on evolution and scientific inquiry that have made this a leading textbook for students majoring in biology. This emphasis on the organizing power of evolution is combined with an integration of the importance of cellular, molecular biology and genomics to offer our readers a text that is student friendly and current.
Additionally, with McGraw Hill Connect, powerful digital tools augment instruction by helping students think more critically, develop quantitative and graphing skills and apply their knowledge in a laboratory setting. Connect Virtual Labs can be implemented in a hybrid or fully online setting to help students prepare for the wet lab and strengthening their lab experience.
1 The Science of Biology
2 The Nature of Molecules and the Properties of Water
3 The Chemical Building Blocks of Life
Part II Biology of the Cell
4 Cell Structure
5 Membranes
6 Energy and Metabolism
7 How Cells Harvest Energy
8 Photosynthesis
9 Cell Communication
10 How Cells Divide
Part III Genetic and Molecular Biology
11 Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis
12 Patterns of Inheritance
13The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance, and Human Genetics
14 DNA: The Genetic Material
15 Genes and How They Work
16 Control of Gene Expression
17 Biotechnology
18 Genomics
19 Cellular Mechanisms of Development
Part IV Evolution
20 Genes Within Populations
21 The Evidence for Evolution
22 The Origin of Species
23 Systematics, Phylogenetics, and Comparative Biology
24 Genome Evolution
Part V Diversity of Life on Earth
25 Origin and Diversity of Life
26 Viruses
27 Prokaryotes
28 Protists
29 Seedless Plants
30 Seed Plants
31 Fungi
32 Animal Diversity & the Evolution of Body Plans
33 Protostomes
34 Deuterostomes
Part VI Plant Form and Function
35 Plant Form
36 Transport in Plants
37 Plant Nutrition and Soils
38 Plant Defense Responses
39 Plant Sensory Systems
40 Plant Reproduction
Part VII Animal Form and Function
41 The Animal Body and Principles of Regulation
42 The Nervous System
43 Sensory Systems
44 The Endocrine System
45 The Musculoskeletal System
46 The Digestive System
47 The Respiratory System
48 The Circulatory System
49 Osmotic Regulation and the Urinary System
50 The Immune System
51 The Reproductive Systems
52 Animal Development
Part VIII Ecology and Behavior
53 Behavioral Biology
54 Ecology of Individuals and Populations
55 Community Ecology
56 Dynamics of Ecosystems
57 The Biosphere and Human Impacts
58 Conservation Biology
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About the Author
Peter Raven
Peter H. Raven, Ph.D., is director of the Missouri Botanical Garden and Engelmann professor of botany at Washington University at St. Louis. He oversees the garden's internationally recognized research program in tropical botany--one of the world's most active in the study and conservation of imperiled tropical habitats. Raven's botanical research and work in the area of tropical conservation have earned him numerous honors and awards, including a MacArthur Fellowship. He has written 17 textbooks and more than 400 articles, and he is a member of th National Academy of Science and the National Research Council.
George Johnson
Dr. George B. Johnson is a researcher, educator, and author. Born in 1942 in Virginia, he went to college in New Hampshire (Dartmouth), attended graduate school in California (Stanford), and is Professor Emeritus of Biology at Washington University in St. Louis, where he has taught freshman biology and genetics to undergraduates for over 35 years. Also Professor of Genetics at Washington University’s School of Medicine, Dr. Johnson is a student of population genetics and evolution, authoring more than 50 scientific journal publications. His laboratory work is renowned for pioneering the study of previously undisclosed genetic variability. His field research has centered on alpine butterflies and flowers, much of it carried out in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and Wyoming. Other ecosystems he has explored in recent years include Brazilian and Costa Rican rain forests, the Florida Everglades, the seacoast of Maine, coral reefs off Belize, the ice fields and mountains of Patagonia, and, delightfully, vineyards in Tuscany.
A prolific writer and educator, Dr. Johnson is the author of seven nationally recognized college texts for McGraw-Hill, including the hugely successful majors texts Biology (with botanist Peter Raven) and three nonmajors’ texts: Understanding Biology, Essentials of The Living World, and The Living World. He has also authored two widely used high school biology textbooks, Holt Biology and Biology: Visualizing Life. In the 30 years he has been authoring biology texts, over 3 million students have been taught from textbooks Dr. Johnson has written
Kenneth Mason
Kenneth A. Mason received his undergraduate degree in Molecular Biology from the University of Washington, worked at UC Berkeley, then pursued his PhD in Genetics at UC Davis. He has taught Gentics, Microbial Genetics, Microbiology, Advanced Molecular Genetics, Introductory Biology, and a Genetics Laboratory that he designed.
Jonathan Losos
Jonathan Losos is a Monique and Philip Lehner Professor for the Study of Latin America in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology and Curator of Herpetology at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. Losos's research has focused on studying patterns of adaptive ratiation and evolutionary diversification in lizards. The recipient of several awards including hte prestigious Theodosius Dobzhansky and David Starr Jordan Prizes for outstanding young evolutionary biologists, Losos has published more than 100 scientific articles.
Tod Duncan
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