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Wardlaw's Perspectives in Nutrition: A Functional Approach, 3rd Edition
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Welcome to one-stop shopping for everything you need for your introductory majors course! Wardlaw's Perspectives in Nutrition: A Functional Approach is an alternate version of Perspectives in Nutrition. In this version, the authors have organized the presentation of vitamins and minerals around key functions.
The author team has taken a garden-fresh approach to revising this highly regarded text. Every paragraph has been scrutinized to ensure that students are exposed to scientific content and concepts that are explained accurately and precisely, and in high-interest fashion that will draw students into their first study of nutrition science. Students will benefit from a carefully crafted text that brings them up-to-date scientific thinking and research blended with dynamic activities that will allow them to apply their knowledge to their own lives and future careers.
Chapter: 1 The Science of Nutrition
Chapter: 2 Tools of a Healthy Diet
Chapter: 3 The Food Supply
Chapter: 4 Human Digestion and Absorption
Part 2 Energy-Yielding Nutrients and Alcohol
Chapter: 5 Carbohydrates
Chapter: 6 Lipids
Chapter: 7 Protein
Chapter: 8 Alcohol
Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance
Chapter: 9 Energy Metabolism
Chapter: 10 Energy Balance, Weight Control, and Eating Disorders
Chapter: 11 Nutrition, Exercise, and Sports
Part 4 Vitamins and Minerals
Chapter: 12 Micronutrients: Vitamins and Minerals
Chapter: 13 Micronutrients in Energy and Amino Acid Metabolism
Chapter: 14 Fluid Balance and Blood Health
Chapter: 15 Bone Health and Body Defense Systems
Part 5 Nutrition Applications in the Life Cycle
Chapter: 16 Nutritional Aspects of Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Chapter: 17 Nutrition during the Growing Years
Chapter: 18 Nutrition during the Adult Years
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About the Author
Carol Byrd-Bredbenner
Carol Byrd-Bredbenner earned her doctorate from Pennsylvania State University. She is Distinguished Professor in the Nutritional Sciences Department at Rutgers University, and she teaches a range of nutrition courses. Her research interests include investigating environmental factors that affect dietary choices and health outcomes. Dr. Byrd-Bredbenner has authored numerous nutrition texts, journal articles, and computer software packages. She has received teaching awards from the American Dietetic Association (now the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics), Society for Nutrition Education, and US Department of Agriculture. She was the recipient of the American Dietetic Association’s Anita Owen Award for Innovative Nutrition Education Programs. She also was a Fellow of the United Nations, World Health Organization at the WHO Collaborating Center for Nutrition Education. She enjoys exploring food and culinary customs, traveling, diving, and gardening.
Jacqueline Berning
Jacqueline R. Berning earned her doctorate in Nutrition from Colorado State University. She is Professor and Chair of the Health Science Department at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS), where she has won numerous teaching awards. Dr. Berning is published in the area of sports dietetics and has been the sport dietitian for the Denver Broncos, Cleveland Indians, and Colorado Rockies. Currently, she is the sport dietitian for UCCS athletics and US Lacrosse. She is active in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, where she served as Chair of the Program Planning Committee for FNCE and is currently Chair of the Appeals Committee. In 2014, Dr. Berning was awarded the Mary Abbot Hess Award for Culinary Events. Additionally, she served 6 years as an ADA spokesperson and is former Chair of the Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutritionists dietetics practice group. She enjoys walking, hiking, and gardening.
Danita Kelley
Danita Sazon Kelley earned her doctorate in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Kentucky. She serves as Associate Dean of the College of Health and Human Services and is Professor in the Family and Consumer Sciences Department at Western Kentucky University. Previously, Dr. Kelley was Director of the Didactic Program in Dietetics at Western Kentucky University. She is a Past President of the Board of Directors for the Kentucky Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Her scholarly work has focused on healthy eating of adolescents, communication skills of dietetic students, histaminergic activity and regulation of food intake, and dietary restriction effects on the antioxidant defense system. She has received numerous awards for teaching, and she enjoys singing, walking her dog, cheering for her family in water-ski competitions, and watching her children participate in athletic and musical endeavors.
Jaclyn Abbot
Jaclyn MaurerAbbot, Ph.D., R.D., earned her doctorate in nutritional sciences at theUniversity of Arizona. She is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and adjunctlecturer in the Nutritional Sciences Department at Rutgers, The StateUniversity of New Jersey. She teaches online undergraduate courses in nutritionand health and introductory sports nutrition. Her research focuses on nutritioncommunication and health promotion on an array of topics, including safe foodhandling, nutrition for optimizing fitness performance, nutrition knowledge andbehavior, and disease prevention. She has delivered her research findings viaformal classroom teaching, outreach programming, and peer-reviewed journals.She enjoys running, coaching youth sports, and spending time with her husbandand 3 young children.
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