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Seeley's Anatomy & Physiology, 13th Edition
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With a newly enhanced, realistic art program, this updated edition of Seeley’s Anatomy & Physiology comes to life. Written for the two-semester anatomy and physiology course, this text is comprehensive enough to provide the depth necessary for those courses not requiring prerequisites and is presented with such clarity that it nicely balances the thorough coverage. Clear descriptions and exceptional illustrations combine to help students develop a firm understanding of anatomy and physiology and understand how to apply those concepts.
Known for having a strong emphasis on critical thinking, Seeley’s unique pedagogy integrates clinical case studies throughout each chapter with a visual program that presents material in understandable, relevant images, with application questions that follow.
Part 1 - Organization of the Human Body
1. The Human Organism
2. The Chemical Basis of Life
3. Cell Biology
4. Tissues
PART 2 - Support and Movement
5. Integumentary System
6. Skeletal System: Bones and Bone Tissue
7. Skeletal System: Gross Anatomy
8. Joints and Movement
9. Muscular System: Histology and Physiology
10. Muscular System: Gross Anatomy
PART 3 - Integration and Control Systems
11. Functional Organization of Nervous Tissue
12. Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves
13. Brain and Cranial Nerves
14. Integration of Nervous System Functions
15. The Special Senses
16. Autonomic Nervous System
17. Functional Organization of the Endocrine System
18. Endocrine Glands
PART 4 - Regulation and Maintenance
19. Cardiovascular System: Blood
20. Cardiovascular System: The Heart
21. Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Circulation
22. Lymphatic System and Immunity
23. Respiratory System
24. Digestive System
25. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Temperature Regulation
26. Urinary System
27. Water, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
PART 5 - Reproduction and Development
28. Reproductive System
29. Development, Growth, Aging, and Genetics
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About the Author
Cinnamon VanPutte
Cinnamon L. VanPutte has been teaching biology and human anatomy and physiology for almost two decades. At Southwestern Illinois College she is a full-time faculty member and the coordinator for the anatomy and physiology courses. Cinnamon is an active member of several professional societies, including the Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS). Her Ph.D. in zoology, with an emphasis in endocrinology, is from Texas A&M University. She worked in Dr. Duncan MacKenzie’s lab, where she was indoctrinated in the major principles of physiology and the importance of critical thinking. The critical thinking component of Seeley’s Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology epitomizes Cinnamon’s passion for the field of human anatomy and physiology; she is committed to maintaining this tradition of excellence. Cinnamon and her husband, Robb, have two children: a daughter, Savannah, and a son, Ethan. Savannah is very creative and artistic; she loves to sing, write novels, and do art projects. Robb and Ethan have their black belts in karate and Ethan is one of the youngest black belts at his martial arts school. Cinnamon is also active in martial arts and is a competitive Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner. She has competed at both the Pan Jiu-Jitsu Championship and the World Jiu-Jitsu Championship.
Jennifer Regan
For over 15 years, Jennifer has taught introductory biology, human anatomy and physiology, and genetics at the university and community college level. She has received the Instructor of the Year Award at both the departmental and college level while teaching at USM. In addition, she has been recognized for her dedication to teaching by student organizations such as the Alliance for Graduate Education in Mississippi and Increasing Minority Access to Graduate Education. Jennifer has dedicated much of her career to improving lecture and laboratory instruction at her institutions. Critical thinking and lifelong learning are two characteristics Jennifer hopes to instill in her students. She appreciates the Seeley approach to learning and is excited about contributing to further development of the textbook. She received her PH.D. in biology at the University of Houston, under the direction of Edwin H. Bryant and Lisa M. Meffert. She is an active member of several professional organizations, including the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society. During her free time, Jennifer enjoys spending time with her husband, Hobbie, and two sons, Patrick and Nicholas.
Andrew Russo
Andrew F. Russo has over 20 years of classroom experience with human physiology, neurobiology, molecular biology, and cell biology courses at the University of Iowa. He is a recipient of the Collegiate Teaching Award and is currently the course director for Medical Cell Biology and Director of the Biosciences Graduate Program. He is also a member of several professional societies, including the American Physiological Society and the Society for Neuroscience. Andrew received his Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of California at Berkeley. His research interests are focused on the molecular neurobiology of migraine. His decision to join the author team for Seeley’s Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology is the culmination of a passion for teaching that began in graduate school. He is excited about the opportunity to hook students’ interest in learning by presenting cutting-edge clinical and scientific advances. Andy is married to Maureen, a physical therapist, and has three daughters Erilynn, Becky, and Colleen, now in college and graduate school. He enjoys all types of outdoor sports, especially bicycling, skiing, ultimate Frisbee and, before moving to Iowa, bodyboard surfing.
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