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The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business, 19th Edition
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Built on a foundation on property law, lead author, Marissa Pagnattaro from University of Georgia, and the entire authorship team, bring a fresh perspective emphasizing the importance of understanding laws and regulations that are fundamental foundations for business in The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business. Using court cases and engaging examples in the Sidebars of the text that are relevant for business, the authors underscore how learning about the law is essential to understand how the law can be used for strategic advantage and how to develop sustainable business practices. This emphasis, along with the rich array of cases and examples, makes the text suited for both legal environment and business law courses.
Part ONE Introduction: Legal Foundations for Business
Chapter 1: Law as a Foundation for Business
Chapter 2: The Roleof Ethics in Decision Making
Chapter 3: Understanding the Court System
Chapter 4: Litigation
Chapter 5: Alternative Dispute Resolution
Chapter 6: TheConstitution
Part TWO Basic Legal Principles
Chapter 7: TheProperty System
Chapter 8: ContractFormation
Chapter 9: Contractual Performance and Breach
Chapter 10: TortsAffecting Business
Chapter 11: Intellectual Property
Chapter 12: GlobalExpansion and International Law
Chapter 13: CriminalLaw and Business
Chapter 14: BusinessOrganizations
Part THREE The Regulatory Landscape for Business
Chapter 15: TheRegulatory Process
Chapter 16: Regulating Competition—Antitrust Laws
Chapter 17: Financialand Securities Regulations
Chapter 18: Privacyand Consumer Protection
Chapter 19: EnvironmentalRegulation and Resource Sustainability
Part FOUR The Employer—Employee Relationship
Chapter 20: Employment Discrimination Laws
Chapter 21: EmployerResponsibilities and Employee Rights -Employment Laws
Chapter 22: Labor—Management Relationship
Appendix I: Case Briefing and Legal Study Tips
Appendix II: Sample Complaint
Appendix III: The Constitution of the United States ofAmerica
Appendix IV: Selected Sections of Article 2 of UniformCommercial Code
Appendix V: Selected Sections of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of2002
Appendix VI: Selected Sections of Securities Act of 1933
Appendix VI: Selected Sections of Securities Exchange Act of1934
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About the Author
Marisa Pagnattaro
Marisa Anne Pagnattaro is the I.W. Cousins Professor of Business Ethics and a Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor of Legal Studies in the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia. She received her Ph.D. in English at the University of Georgia, her J.D. from New York Law School, and her B.A. from Colgate University. Prior to joining the Georgia faculty, Dr. Pagnattaro was a litigation attorney with Kilpatrick & Cody (now known as Kilpatrick Townsend) in Atlanta. Dr. Pagnattaro is the recipient of numerous teaching awards, and she also won the Academy of Legal Studies in Business Charles M. Hewett Master Teacher Competition in 2010. She is the author of many scholarly articles on national and international employment law issues, as well as labor issues related to international trade and the protection of trade secrets in China. She is an active member of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business and is a former Editor in Chief of the American Business Law Journal.
Daniel Cahoy
Dan Cahoy is a Professor of Business Law and Dean’s Faculty Fellow in the Smeal College of Business at The Pennsylvania State University. He is a registered patent attorney, with a J.D. from the University of New Hampshire School of Law and a B.A. from the University of Iowa. Prior to joining Penn State, Professor Cahoy was a litigator at an intellectual property firm in New York City, where he specialized in pharmaceutical and biotechnology cases. He is the author of numerous scholarly articles on technology law, regulatory policy, and sustainability, and he received a Fulbright Scholarship in 2009 to serve as the Visiting Chair in International Humanitarian Law at the University of Ottawa. Professor Cahoy is a former Editor in Chief of the American Business Law Journal and IDEA: The Journal of Law and Technology. He has also held various leadership positions in academic organizations including serving as an elected member of the Executive Committee of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business
Julie Manning Magid
Julie Manning Magid is a Professor of Business Law and a Kelley Venture Fellow in the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. She also is the Director of the Randall L. Tobias Center for Leadership Excellence at Indiana University. She received her J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School and her A.B. from Georgetown University. Prior to joining the Kelley School faculty, Professor Magid was a litigation attorney specializing in employment and business litigation. Professor Magid is recognized for her teaching in the undergraduate, graduate, specialized graduate, and online teaching environments, with numerous teaching awards, including the Kelley School of Business MBA Teaching Excellence Award and the Schuyler F. Otteson Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award. Her teaching received international recognition from the Academy of Legal Studies in Business as the overall winner of the Charles M. Hewitt Master Teacher Award. Professor Magid is the author of numerous scholarly articles and book chapters focused on public policy related to health care, gender, innovation, and privacy. She is a Life Sciences Research Fellow with the Center for the Business of Life Science and a member of the Editorial Board of the American Business Law Journal.
Peter Shedd
Peter Shedd is the University Professor Emeritus of Legal Studies in the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia where he received his B.B.A. and J.D. degrees. He also has been a Visiting Professor in the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and the Warrington College of Business at the University of Florida. Professor Shedd has extensive experience as a teacher, researcher, administrator, and author of business-related texts. His teaching of undergraduate and MBA courses has earned Professor Shedd numerous teaching awards including being named a Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor. Professor Shedd is an active member of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business and its Southeastern Regional. He served as national president during 1999–2000. Professor Shedd is a member of the State Bar of Georgia and is an experienced arbitrator and mediator.
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