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Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 13th Edition
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Today,we are experiencing the most dynamic and revolutionary changes of any era inthe history of marketing communications! Advertising and Promotion: AnIntegrated Marketing Communications Perspective reflects these changes andtheir implications for the marketer. Because the digital evolution andrevolution also applies to how students learn, our digital support package withConnect and SmartBook 2.0 have also received extensive innovative updates!
Contains Ethical, Global and Digital/SocialMedia Perspectives throughout
Explores changes in media consumption patternsand the implications of these changes for IMC strategies and tactics.
Extensive discussion around challenges facingtraditional media such as television, magazines, newspapers, and radio as theycompete against digital media.
Emphasizes on the integration of advertisingwith other promotional-mix elements and the need to understand their role andoverall contribution.
McGraw Hill’s Connect ensures demonstration ofmarketing communications to real-world scenarios with SmartBook 2.0, VideoCases, Case Analyses, Application-based Activities and much more.
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
Chapter 2: The Role of IMC in the Marketing Process
Chapter 3: Organizing for Advertising and Promotion: The Role of Ad Agencies and Other Marketing Communication Organizations
Chapter 4: Perspectives on Consumer Behavior
Chapter 5: The Communication Process
Chapter 6: Source, Message, and Channel Factors
Chapter 7: Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the Promotional Program
Chapter 8: Creative Strategy: Planning and Development
Chapter 9: Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation
Chapter 10: Media Planning and Strategy
Chapter 11: Evaluation of Media: Television and Radio
Chapter 12: Evaluation of Media: Magazines and Newspapers
Chapter 13: Support Media
Chapter 14: Direct Marketing
Chapter 15: The Internet: Digital and Social Media
Chapter 16: Sales Promotion
Chapter 17: Public Relations, Publicity, and Corporate Advertising
Chapter 18: Measuring the Effectiveness of the Promotional Program
Chapter 19: International Advertising and Promotion
Chapter 20: Regulation of Advertising and Promotion
Chapter 21: Evaluating the Social, Ethical, and Economic Aspects of Advertising and Promotion
Chapter 22: Personal Selling (Online Only)
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About the Author
George Belch
George E. Belch is professor emeritus of marketing in the Fowler College of Business at San Diego State University, where he teaches integrated marketing communications and strategic marketing. He received his PhD in marketing from the University of California, Los Angeles. Before entering academia, Dr. Belch was a marketing representative for the DuPont Company. He also worked as a research analyst for the DDB Worldwide advertising agency.
Dr. Belch's research interests are in the area of consumer processing of advertising information as well as managerial aspects of integrated marketing communications. He has authored or coauthored more than 40 articles in leading academic journals and proceedings, including the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Promotion Management, Journal of Advertising, and Journal of Business Research. He also serves on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Advertising Research and the Journal of Marketing Education. In 2000, he was selected as Marketing Educator of the Year by the Marketing Educators' Association for his career achievements in teaching and research. He also received the Distinguished Faculty Member Award for the College of Business Administration at San Diego State University in 1994 and 2003.
Dr. Belch has taught in executive education and development programs for various universities around the world. He has also conducted seminars on integrated marketing communications as well as marketing planning and strategy for a number of multinational companies, including Sprint, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Arbitron, Square D Corporation, Armstrong World Industries, and Texas Industries.
Michael Belch
Michael (Mickey) A. Belch is professor emeritus of marketing in the Fowler College of Business at San Diego State University and is also director of the Centre for Integrated Marketing Communications at San Diego State. He received his undergraduate degree from Penn State University, his MBA from Drexel University, and his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh.
Before entering academia he was employed by the General Foods Corporation as a marketing representative and has served as a consultant to numerous companies, including McDonald’s, Whirlpool Corporation, Senco Products, GTI Corporation, IVAC, May Companies, Phillips-Ramsey Advertising and Public Relations, and Dally & Associates Advertising. He has conducted seminars on integrated marketing and marketing management for a number of multinational companies and has also taught in executive education programs In France, Amsterdam, Spain, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Colombia, China, Slovenia, and Greece.
He is the author or coauthor of more than 60 articles in academic journals and proceedings in the areas of advertising, consumer behavior, and international marketing including the Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Promotion Management, and International Journal of Advertising. Dr. Belch Is also a member of the editorial review board of the Journal of Advertising and the International Journal of Advertising. He received outstanding teaching awards from undergraduate and graduate students numerous times. He also received the Distinguished Faculty Member Award for the College of Business Administration at San Diego State University in 2007. He was awarded the Giep Franzen Fellowship from the University of Amsterdam.
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