Go from Good
to Exceptional
In order to support the best possible experience for you and your students, we have made considerable improvements to Connect which require you to upgrade to the latest edition before the Summer/Fall 2020 term. Besides updated content, improvements include:
- Free mobile access to the digital textbook with the ReadAnywhere app. For courses with SmartBook 2.0® assignments, those can also be accessed through the mobile app.
- Remote proctoring and browser-locking capabilities allowing for more control over the integrity of online assessments.
- Accessibility and student data security enhancements.
- Ability to create enhanced assignments personalized to each student’s needs.
- More advanced student and class reporting capabilities.
- 99.9% platform uptime.
Have questions or ready to upgrade? Let us know how we can partner with you to make this transition as easy as possible.
TELL US WHAT YOU NEEDDo you need more information about the text?
Besides an enhanced Connect course, we've also updated your content. Locate your new edition from the list of publications below. You’ll find updates we’ve made, be able to request a desk copy, and learn about new tools to use on the first day of class.
Author | Title | Edition | Copyright |
Amon | Vis-Ã -vis | 7e | 2019 |
Amores | Experience Spanish | 3e | 2020 |
Andrade | Tu mundo | 2e | 2019 |
Beer | Mechanics of Materials | 8e | 2020 |
Bodie | Investments | 12e | 2021 |
Booth | Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Procedures | 7e | 2021 |
Budynas | Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design | 11e | 2020 |
Child | Experience Communication | 2e | 2019 |
Feldman | Understanding Psychology | 14e | 2019 |
Feldman | Essentials of Understanding Psychology | 13e | 2019 |
Foerster | Punto y aparte | 6e | 2020 |
Gauwitz | Administering Medications | 9e | 2020 |
Graham | Children Moving | 10e | 2020 |
Larson | Project Management | 8e | 2021 |
Lochbaum | Get Active | 3e | 2020 |
Pérez-Gironés | MÁS | 3e | 2019 |
Santrock | Life-Span Development | 17e | 2019 |
Silberberg | Chemistry:The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change | 9e | 2021 |
Teague | Your Health Today | 7e | 2019 |
Wild | Fundamental Accounting Principles | 24e | 2019 |