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Mader's Understanding Human Anatomy & Physiology, 10th Edition
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Mader’s Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology is tailored to appeal to a wide audience, from students in pre-nursing and allied health fields, to nonscience majors who want a clear and concise explanation of how their bodies work. Mader’s Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology has been tailored for a one-semester course since its inception and it remains ideal for its target audience. Carefully constructed Learning Outcomes at the start of each section are crafted to be accessible to students without prior anatomy and physiology training. This text introduces the fascinating workings of the human body in a creative, informative, engaging way, and, most importantly, relevant to today’s students. Each chapter commences with an infographic that details captivating facts about the subject, designed to capture attention, spark curiosity, and encourage readers to delve deeper. With stunning, vibrant artwork and a focus on clinical applications, this text breathes life into the study of anatomy and physiology for students.
1. Organization of the Body
2. Chemistry of Life
3. Cell Structure and Function
4. Body Tissues and Membranes
Part II Support, Movement, and Protection
5. The Integumentary System
6. The Skeletal System
7. The Muscular System
Part III Integration and Coordination
8. The Nervous System
9. The Sensory System
10. The Endocrine System
Part IV Maintenance of the Body
11. Blood
12. The Circulatory System
13. The Lymphatic System and Body Defense
14. The Respiratory System
15. The Digestive System
16. The Urinary System and Excretion
Part V Reproduction and Development
17. The Reproductive System
18. Human Development and Birth
19. Human Genetics
Appendix A Reference Figures: The Human Organism
Appendix B Understanding Medical Terminology
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About the Author
Susannah Longenbaker
After earning a baccalaureate degree in biology from St. Mary’s College (Notre Dame, Indiana) and a master’s degree in physiology from the Ohio State University, Susannah Nelson Longenbaker began her teaching career at Columbus State Community College in Columbus, Ohio. She continues to teach anatomy and physiology courses there, as she has for almost 30 years. During that time, she earned the college’s Distinguished Teaching Award and Ohio Magazine’s Excellence in Education award. She founded and serves as co-coordinator for Columbus State Community College Fantastic Fridays and consults for Fantastic Fridays Thinking Science. These community outreach programs (funded in part by grants from McGraw-Hill Corporation) introduce middle school and high school students to the fun and excitement of laboratory science. In 2006, Sue was offered a unique opportunity by Dr. Sylvia Mader: to become the primary author for Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology. Dr. Mader began her long career as a college biology professor, then left the classroom to become one of the most prolific authors of biology and human biology textbooks in the country. Her works are well known for their direct writing style and carefully crafted pedagogy. Dr. Mader’s many titles have been published and enjoyed by students worldwide for almost 40 years.
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