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Grading and Reporting

Connect can dramatically reduce the amount of time you spend reviewing homework and grading quizzes. Reporting features provide actionable insights to improve student performance.

Roger Shares How to Get to the "good stuff" Using Connect Reports.

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Spend Less Time Grading and Reporting

Connect automatically grades assignments and quizzes, saving instructors an average of 50 to 60 minutes per week, freeing up valuable time for students.


Minutes Saved Grading

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Assess Outcomes and Adapt Assignments

Item-Analysis Reports identify the learning outcomes your students have achieved and allow you to assess and adapt assignments and student learning resources to help you achieve your course goals.

The report highlights topics for which individuals or the entire class may need extra help, so you can use your class time more effectively for all students.

Hear how Jeff Makes the Best Use of Reports

Identify At-Risk Students

At-Risk reports flag any student who is having trouble, so you can step in and help them out sooner.

See how many students are at risk, how many to keep watch on, and how many are safe.

Track Progress

Connect creates customizable reports showing how students are progressing with course material on a class and on an individual level. You'll also gain an overview of the time spent on each assignment and the number of assignments completed.

Improve Student Preparedness

Connect also lets students access their own reports by chapter and topic, so they can monitor their progress and come to class more confident and better prepared for exams.

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