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Humanities, Social Science and Language

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Guidelines for Supplements

Preparing print supplements

You are required to submit both electronic files (for printing and archiving) and camera-ready copy for your supplement. Guidelines must be followed in order to ensure timely publication of a quality product. To assist you in the preparation of your supplement(s), we offer answers to the most frequently asked author questions about preparing supplements.

Which word processing software should I use?

McGraw-Hill prefers that you use Microsoft Word for Windows to create your electronic files. We strongly discourage the use of Macintosh applications because formatting is often partially or totally lost during the conversion process.

How should I set up my electronic files?

For any supplement, it is preferred that you set up a separate file for each chapter and for your front matter. Label each file appropriately using eight characters or less in the title (example: TOC.doc, Chap001.doc, Chap002.doc, etc.) so it will be easily understood by someone else and simple to find the correct file if it is necessary to make corrections.

How should I prepare my disks for submission?

First, make and retain back-up copies of all disks. Second, label your disks appropriately, indicating all of the following information:

  • Software used (including version number)
  • Author name
  • Text name
  • Type of supplement
  • List of disk contents (front matter, Introduction, Chapter numbers, etc.)

What are the basic guidelines for preparing supplements?

(Presented in alphabetical order for quick reference.)

Note: MS Word contains most of the necessary tools to assist you in preparing camera-ready pages. The formatting functions are fairly simple to use and are accessible via the buttons visible on the toolbar at the top of the screen, or on the drop-down menu at the top-left of the screen.

ART: If possible, prepare art (exhibits, figures, diagrams, etc.) in an electronic format, and save it as a JPEG file, which will allow you to print out quality manuscript. (Contact your Supplement Producer if any art placement problems arise.) If you want to repurpose art from the textbook, contact your Supplement Producer to obtain the art files for you.

  • COLUMNS/TABLES: Set up columns as tables, not by using the column formatting command, or by applying tabs between. Use the Insert Table button to create a table or select Table/Insert from the main menu. If a table has been simulated using tabs and spaces, convert that section to a table by highlighting the material and selecting Table/Convert Text to Table.

  • CONSISTENCY: In order to produce an easy-to-follow and visually pleasing product, consistency is very important. Use the same font type and size for all Chapter Numbers and Titles, as well as the Number 1, 2, and 3 heads. Use only one space between sentences. End each paragraph with the same sequence, such as two hard returns. Keep margins uniform throughout. Keep page numbers at the same distance from the bottom of the page on each page.

  • EQUATIONS: Certain equations are best created in Equation Editor, or in another math software tool, and not just created by stringing together normal text and mathematical symbols.

  • FIGURES/TABLES/EXHIBITS: Place numbered figures/tables/exhibits following the paragraph in which the first text reference appears, or as close to the reference as possible. Use a double- numbering system on all figures/tables/exhibits identifying the chapter number and the figure number (example, Figure 3.1, Table 3.1, Exhibit 3.1). Important: Figures/tables/exhibits must fit within the image area. If material is a tight squeeze vertically, consider setting it broadside or landscaped.

  • FINAL TRANSMITTAL: Mail your manuscript and accompanying electronic files to your editor. Always retain a copy of both the CRC and the files for yourself. If mail is lost or destroyed, you will have the only backup materials.

  • FONT SIZE: Recommended font size is 12 pt. for textual material, and no larger than 16 pt. for chapter numbers and titles. Number one heads should be 14 pt.; number two heads 12 pt. (Maintain font size and style consistency throughout.) Source lines or footnotes should be set in 9 pt. or 7 pt. type. If reducing page count is an issue, the font size should be 9 or 10 pt. for text material. Check with your Editor or Supplement Producer if you are unsure of the appropriate font size.

  • FONT TYPE: As readability is the primary consideration when preparing supplements, avoid exotic or fashionable typefaces that are difficult to read. Please refrain from using a font that was not included on your PC when first purchased. It is important that only standard Windows fonts are used so that all instructors can use the electronic files included on the Instructor's Resources. Limit your typefaces to a maximum of two: one for text and one for heads, captions, and so on. Times New Roman is a good typeface to use for running text; Arial bold works well for heads, captions, and so on.

  • HEADERS/FOOTERS: Set your header at 1.2 inches and your footer at 0.5 inch. (If source lines, footnotes, or running headers or footers are being used, consult with your Supplement Producer for proper placement.)

  • IMAGE AREA: The image area is the area on your page that contains type. The trim size (or final dimensions of your supplement) will determine image area. All type should be confined to the correct image area by applying the correct margins, and the image area should be consistent from page to page.

  • INDENTS: Always use the indent button on the "formatting toolbar," never tabs or the space bar. Or, if you prefer, you can use a block format. Keep all material flush left and double-space between paragraphs.

  • MARGINS: As the majority of supplements will have an 8 x 11 trim size (i.e., finished dimensions of your supplement), it is very important to set your page margins at 1 inch on the top, bottom, left, and right. (Note: For smaller trim sizes, please contact your Supplement Producer for correct margins.) Do not assign a numerical value to the gutter margin, leave gutter setting at 0.

  • NUMBERED/BULLETED LISTS: When creating a numbered list, use the List-Numbering function in Word.

  • PAGE BREAKS: Before turning in your CRC, please check all pages to see that they have logical page breaks. Important: When inputting questions in a test bank, keep all parts of the question and the answer on the same page; do not break them, even if this means leaving a few blank lines at the bottom of a page. (Note: Switching to the Page Layout View is very helpful when applying page breaks as it will allow you to preview exactly how the page will print out.)

  • PAGE NUMBERING/FRONT MATTER: Front matter should include, at the very least, a Table of Contents, but might also include an Introduction, a Preface, or other pertinent information. Front matter is to be numbered separately from the text, using lowercase Roman numerals. The title page (i) and the copyright page (ii) will be set in-house; therefore your numbering would start with iii.

  • PAGE NUMBERING/TEXT: Following the preliminary pages, subsequent pages should be numbered consecutively from the beginning to the end of the book, beginning with Arabic number 1.

  • PAGES: Pages should print on one side only, with the text single-spaced.

  • PRINTING: All manuscript should be printed on a laser printer using copier-quality paper. Do not use erasable bond paper, as it causes smudging and renders your supplement unreadable. If a laser printer is not available, please check with your editor or Supplement Producer to agree on an acceptable option.

  • PROOFING: You are responsible for proofing your supplement. It's important to run spell/grammar checks on all of your work. Do not, however, rely on a spell/grammar-checking program in place of proofreading, as it doesn't catch all errors.

  • SCANNING TEXT: If any of your electronic files contain scanned text, it will be necessary for you to strip out any unnecessary coding that might exist. It is also very important that the scanned material be carefully proofed for dropped material or words improperly read by the OCR scanner, and that all necessary corrections are made.

  • SCHEDULE: Your editor and your supplement producer will establish a schedule with you for completing your supplement(s). Holding to that schedule is extremely important as it will allow your supplement to meet its desired bound book date, thereby enhancing the chances of the main text being adopted by professors. If there is any possibility that you will not be able to meet your scheduled obligations, please let both your editor and your supplement producer know immediately.

  • SCREENS/SHADING: Try to avoid using screens and/or shading, as they reproduce poorly. If you need to incorporate screens/shading, do not go above 10%.

  • TEST BANKS: Many test banks are converted to a computerized test-generating system. While these test-generating systems can handle most types of questions, there are several things you should keep in mind when writing your testbank:
    • Number all questions in a chapter sequentially and do not start renumbering at question #1 until you begin the next chapter.

    • Make sure an answer is provided for every question.

    • Because the program will renumber all the questions in a test, do not write a question that refers by number to another question (e.g., In question 48, above...). Use "previous" or "next," instead.

    • Assigning a level of difficulty (Easy, Medium, Difficult) to each question is not required, but is highly recommended. Our adopters consistently request that the questions be coded as to level of difficulty.

    • A page reference from the main text for the correct answer is not required, but is also strongly recommended. You may be asked to forego page references if the final pages of the textbook are not ready in time.

    • You may be provided with current edition formatted files for revision. Please follow the format in these files.

  • WORD WRAPPING: Always use the word-wrap feature on your computer-allowing the cursor to automatically move to the left margin of the next line of type when the previous line fills with type. Input continuously without striking the ENTER KEY (carriage return) until the end of a paragraph or the end of an element (i.e., heads, subheads, or lists).<.li>


    Is it necessary for me to send in sample chapters?

    YES. The best way to make sure that a project is "on track" is to have both the editor and the supplement producer see a sample chapter or two. This will allow the editor the opportunity to comment on content and the supplement producer to make suggestions regarding format. It is much simpler for all concerned to catch any potential problem areas early on; therefore, it is imperative that sample chapters and accompanying disks be reviewed at the beginning of the project.

    When is my work finished?

    When final manuscript and disks have been transmitted to your editor or supplement producer, your work is completed. If, however, a problem becomes apparent upon our review of the supplement, there is the possibility that the work will be returned to you for revision or correction. To guard against this happening, supply your editor and supplement producer with sample chapters and stay in close communication with them throughout the development process.

    Whom do I call if I need help?

    If you are having difficulty with the formatting or pagination of your supplement, your supplement producer is available to assist you. Your editor can resolve problems dealing with page proofs, scheduling, or content issues.