It’s not just enough anymore to do well in college or to excel in your studies. In today’s global and competitive environment, students of all majors and all levels of education are asked to market themselves to prospective employers. Marketing, networking and creating an individual, personal “brand” are fast becoming critical job-finding and life skills. Dr. Shane Hunt, co-author of Principles of Marketing, discusses in a new podcast series the power behind personal branding, the marketing principles behind getting hired, and the importance of how to educate students to become life-long marketers.


Podcast Session
Brand: YOU

The most important brand anyone will ever manage is their own. Listen to Dr. Shane Hunt describe the importance of developing your own personal brand.

You're Hired!
Prepare for the job you want. 
Hear from Dr. Shane Hunt as he describes the 4 basic marketing principles that help you get hired. 
Preparing Future Marketers
Hear from Dr. Shane Hunt on the passion, purpose, and importance of educating students to become future marketers.