How to Effectively Facilitate Your Online Course to Drive Student Engagement | Teri Zuccaro
We interviewed Clarke University instructor, Teri Zuccaro, about building student engagement in online Accounting courses.
We interviewed Clarke University instructor, Teri Zuccaro, about building student engagement in online Accounting courses.
How would you recommend a new faculty member get started?
- Organize course (chapters/ topics/weeks)
- Determine the learning objectives being covered in the course
- Review McGraw Hill Connect® tools provided with the chosen textbook
- Determine how you will communicate and response time to students (video, audio, email)
- Pair your Connect course with your school's LMS
- Remember you can add your own assignments to Connect (manually graded)
What are some of the standards you need to keep in mind?
- Good organization and consistency of policies and due dates
- Don't assign too much. Be deliberate in the assessments chosen so students don't feel overwhelmed
What specific Connect tools would you recommend using?
- Smartbook 2.0
- End of chapter exercises and problems
- Auto-graded and manually-graded case analysis
- Data Analytics problems
Of all the robust resources available in our Connect accounting courses, what key resources do you think are most important to assign to support student learning in an online environment?
Smartbook 2.0 (adaptive reading experience). I assign at the beginning of introducing a chapter to get my students to read and familiarize themselves with the topics covered.