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Macroeconomics, 23rd Edition
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Chapter 1: Limits, Alternatives, and Choices
Chapter 2: The Market System and the Circular Flow
Chapter 3: Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium
Chapter 4: Market Failures Caused by Externalities and Asymmetric Information
Chapter 5: Public Goods, Public Choice, and Government Failure
Chapter 6: An Introduction to Macroeconomics
Chapter 7: Measuring Domestic Output and National Income
Chapter 8: Economic Growth
Chapter 9: Business Cycles, Unemployment, and Inflation
Chapter 10: Basic Macroeconomic Relationships
Chapter 11: The Aggregate Expenditures Model
Chapter 12: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
Chapter 13: Fiscal Policy, Deficits, and Debt
Chapter 14: Money, the Federal Reserve, and Interest Rates
Chapter 15: Monetary Policy, GDP, and the Price Level
Chapter 16: Financial Economics
Chapter 17: Extending the Analysis of Aggregate Supply
Chapter 18: Current Issues in Macro Theory and Policy
Chapter 19: International Trade
Chapter 20: The Balance of Payments, Exchange Rates, and Trade Deficits
Chapter 21: The Economics of Developing Countries
*Bold Chapters Denote Core Topics
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About the Author
Campbell McConnell
Cambell R. McConnell earned his Ph.D. at the University of Iowa after receiving degrees from Cornell College and the University of Illinois. He taught at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln from 1953 until his retirement in 1990. He was also coauthor of Contemporary Labor Economics and Essentials of Economics. He was a recipient of both the University of Nebraska Distinguished Teaching Award and the James A. Lake Academic Freedom Award and served as president of the Midwest Economics Association. Professor McConnell was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Cornell College in 1973 and received its Distinguished Achievement Award in 1994. He was also a jazz expert and aficionado until his passing in 2019.
Stanley Brue
Stanley L. Brue did his undergraduate work at Augustana College (South Dakota) and received its Distinguished Achievement Award in 1991. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He is retired from a long career at Pacific Lutheran University, where he was honored as a recipient of the Burlington Northern Faculty Achievement Award. Professor Brue has also received the national Leavey Award for excellence in economics education. He has served as national president and chair of the Board of Trustees of Omicron Delta Epsilon International Economics Honorary. He is coauthor of Economic Scenes, fifth edition (Prentice-Hall); Contemporary Labor Economics, twelfth edition; Essentials of Economics, fourth edition and The Evolution of Economic Thought, eighth edition (Cengage Learning). For relaxation, he enjoys international travel, attending sporting events, and going on fishing trips.
Sean Flynn
Sean M. Flynn did his undergraduate work at the University of Southern California before completing his Ph.D. at U.C. Berkeley, where he served as the Head Graduate Student Instructor for the Department of Economics after receiving the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award. He teaches at Scripps College (of the Claremont Colleges) and is the author of Economics for Dummies, third edition (Wiley); Essentials of Economics, fourth edition; and The Cure That Works: How to Have the World’s Best Healthcare—at a Quarter of the Price (Regnery). His research interests include behavioral finance, behavioral economics, and health care economics. An accomplished martial artist, Sean has coached five of his students to national championships and is the author of Understanding Shodokan Aikido. Other hobbies include running, traveling, and cooking.
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