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Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary Society, 11th Edition
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Celebrating sexual diversity in contemporary society. Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary Society takes a sex-positive approach, encouraging students to become proactive in and about their own sexual well-being and includes an emphasis on the importance of affirming and supporting intimacy and mutual satisfaction in sexual expression. It also strives to represent the contemporary, diverse society that students encounter outside the classroom.
2 Studying Human Sexuality
3 Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology
4 Male Sexual Anatomy and Physiology
5 Gender, Gender Roles, and Sexuality
6 Sexuality in Childhood and Adolescence
7 Sexuality in Adulthood
8 Love and Communication in Intimate Relationships
9 Sexual Response and Expression
10 Variations in Sexual Behavior
11 Contraception and Abortion
12 Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth
13 The Sexual Body in Health and Illness
14 Sexual Function Difficulties, Dissatisfaction, Enhancement, and Therapy
15 Sexually Transmitted Infections
16 HIV and AIDS
17 Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct
18 Sexually Explicit Materials, Sex Workers, and Sex Laws
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About the Author
William Yarber
William L. Yarber is professor of applied health science and professor of gender studies at Indiana University, Bloomington. He is also senior research fellow at The Kinsey Institute for Research on Sex, Gender, and Reproduction and senior director of the Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention at Indiana University. He has authored or co-authored over 100 scientific reports on sexual risk behavior and AIDS/STD prevention in professional journals. He also authored the country’s first secondary school AIDS prevention curriculum. He is past president of The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) and past chair of the board of directors of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States. He has received $3 million in federal and state grants to support his research and AIDS/STD prevention efforts. His awards include the 2002 SSSS Award for Distinguished Scientific Achievement, the 2002 Research Council Award from the American School Health Association, and the President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching and the Graduate Student Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award at Indiana University. He regularly teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in human sexuality. He has presented papers at numerous national and international conferences. He was previously a faculty member at the University of Minnesota and Purdue University, as well as former public high school health science and biology teacher.
Barbara Sayad
Barbara W. Sayad is a full-time faculty member at California State University, Monterey Bay. She has been teaching and mentoring at the university level for nearly twenty years and currently teaches courses in human sexuality, women’s health, marriage and family, and wellness, with a focus on service learning. In addition to co-authoring the last three editions of Human Sexuality, she has co-authored the 8th edition of The Marriage and Family Experience with Bryan Strong and Christine DeVault, and has contributed to a variety of other texts. Barbara has served as a health and sexuality educator in both university and organizational settings. She received her master’s degree in public health, and is currently pursuing her doctoral degree in health and human services, with a focus in human sexuality. Barbara is married and has three teenage children.
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