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Essentials of Business Law, 11th Edition
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The new, eleventh edition of the Essentials of Business Law program is a practical, concise, and broad-based introduction to the vibrant field of business law. While continuing to offer all the features that have made this title successful, this new edition includes a chapter on the areas of law affected by social media, updated content, and enhanced support materials. Both the traditional areas of law, such as contracts and property, and the emerging areas of law, such as e-commerce and environmental, are covered in short, informative chapters written to capture the essence of each topic.
The objective of the text throughout its coverage is ease - ease of use, ease of teaching, ease of assessment, and ease of understanding. It has been developed for those seeking a more fundamental overview of the concepts and principles that are vital to the understanding of business law.
Part 1 Introduction to Law
Chapter 1: Our System of Law
Chapter 2: Ethics and the Law
Chapter 3: Criminal Law
Chapter 4: Tort Law
Chapter 5: Constitutional Law
Chapter 6: Administrative Law
Part 2 Contracts
Chapter 7: Introduction to Contracts
Chapter 8: Offer and Acceptance
Chapter 9: Mutual Agreement
Chapter 10: Consideration
Chapter 11: Competent Parties
Chapter 12: Legal Purpose of Contracts
Chapter 13: Form of Contracts
Chapter 14: Operation of Contracts
Chapter 15: Discharge of Contracts
Part 3 Sales, Agency, and Business Organizations
Chapter 16: Transfer of Title
Chapter 17: Sales
Chapter 18: Warranties
Chapter 19: Agency
Chapter 20: Business Organizations
Chapter 21: Creditor’s Rights and Bankruptcy
Part 4 Commercial Paper
Chapter 22: Introduction to Commercial Paper
Chapter 23: Transfer and Discharge of Commercial Paper
Part 5 Property
Chapter 24: Real and Personal Property
Chapter 25: Bailments
Chapter 26: Landlord/Tenant Relations
Chapter 27: Wills, Intestacy, and Trusts
Part 6 Business and Technology
Chapter 28: Intellectual Property
Chapter 29: Computer Privacy and Speech
Chapter 30: Social Media and the Law
Chapter 31: Conducting Business in Cyberspace
Part 7 Legal Environment of Business
Chapter 32: The Employer/Employee Relationship
Chapter 33: Employment Law
Chapter 34: Product Liability
Chapter 35: Professionals’ Liability
Chapter 36: International Business Law
Chapter 37: Business and the Environment
Chapter 38: Health Care Law
Appendix: The Constitution of the United States
About the Author
Anthony Liuzzo
Anthony L. Liuzzo, J.D., MBA, Ph.D. Dr. Anthony L. Liuzzo is Professor Emeritus at Wilkes University where, until recently, he served as Professor of Business and Economics and Chairperson of the Business Programs of Arizona. Dr. Liuzzo is a licensed attorney and economist. He earned his Ph.D. in business administration, Master of Philosophy in economics, and MBA in management and organizational behavior from New York University; his law degree from St. John’s University; and his bachelor’s degree in marketing from Fordham University in New York City. Specializing in public policy issues, employment law, and holiday retail sales forecasting, he has been cited on numerous occasions in hundreds of publications—including CNN, Fox News, Forbes, The New York Times, USA Today, the Arizona Republic, the New York Daily News, the Philadelphia Daily News, the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Times, the Cincinnati Enquirer, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the Detroit News, the Christian Science Monitor, and the San Francisco Examiner—for his views on legal and business issues. Dr. Liuzzo has been the author of several editions of the popular textbook, Essentials of Business Law, and its accompanying assessment materials, mobile applications, and instructor’s manual, published by McGraw-Hill. Dr. Liuzzo is also the author of several books and numerous articles that have appeared in scholarly and professional journals. He has served as editor of a scholarly journal and has been instrumental in creating several successful small businesses. Dr. Liuzzo is an active member of many professional and community organizations and currently serves as a member and officer of several boards of directors.
Ruth Calhoun Hughes
Ruth Hughes serves as Assistant Professor of Business Law at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Hughes is a licensed attorney and received her JD from Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, and her BA in economics from Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. She began her career as an attorney specializing in corporate transactions in New York City and Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. She was director of the Small Business Development Center in Wilkes-Barre for many years before joining the faculty of the Sidhu School of Business and Leadership at Wilkes University in 2013. Her research interests, publications, and presentations include the areas of environmental sustainability in business, equity crowdfunding, and emerging trends in securities laws. She serves as a reviewer for several academic publications. Hughes is an active member of many university, professional and community organizations. She is married to Richard Hughes and the proud mother of three children, Callie, Ellen, and Richard.
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