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Business Communication, 13th Edition
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Business Communication supports the high standard of business communication that is relevant to today’s modernized workplace. While staying true to its tradition, the 13th edition vastly streamlines and updates the chapter content and organization, making the text more elegant and usable. The text’s foundation is its rhetorical approach, underscoring in each chapter the importance of analyzing each communication situation in terms of audience, purpose, and context. This approach empowers students to shape their messages effectively—no matter the channel. Besides numerous chapter-ending exercises, McGraw Hill's Connect provides exercises that further reinforce the concepts.
Chapter 1: Succeeding in Business Communication
Chapter 2: Using Goodwill for Effective Communication
Part Two: The Communication Process
Chapter 3: Researching and Evaluating Source Material
Chapter 4: Planning, Composing, and Revising
Chapter 5: Communicating across Cultures
Chapter 6: Working and Writing in Teams
Part Three: Design of Communication
Chapter 7: Designing Documents
Chapter 8: Creating Effective Visuals
Part Four: Basic Business Messages
Chapter 9: Crafting Informative and Positive Messages
Chapter 10: Crafting Negative Messages
Chapter 11: Crafting Persuasive Messages
Part Five: Common Genres
Chapter 12: Developing Proposals
Chapter 13: Writing Reports
Chapter 14: Making Oral Presentations
Part Six: The Job Hunt
Chapter 15: Developing Job Application Materials
Chapter 16: Interviewing, Writing Follow-Up Messages, and Succeeding in the Job
A: Formatting Letters and Email Messages
B: Writing Correctly
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About the Author
Kitty Locker
Kitty O. Locker was an Associate Professor of English at The Ohio State University, where she taught courses in workplace discourse and research methods. She received her B.A. from DePauw University and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana. She also wrote Business and Administrative Communication (6th ed., Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2003), The Irwin Business Communication Handbook: Writing and Speaking in Business Classes (1993), and co-edited Conducting Research in Business Communication (1988). Her consulting clients included URS Greiner, Abbott Laboratories, the Ohio Civil Service Employees Association, AT&T, and the American Medical Association. In 1994–95, she served as President of the Association for Business Communication (ABC). From 1997 to 2000, she edited ABC’s Journal of Business Communication. She received ABC’s Outstanding Researcher Award in 1992 and ABC’s Meada Gibbs Outstanding Teacher Award in 1998.
Jo Mackiewicz
Jo Mackiewicz is a Professor of Rhetoric and ProfessionalCommunication at Iowa State University. Her research has been published in arange of journals, including Journal of Business and TechnicalCommunication, Technical Communication Quarterly, IEEE Transactions onProfessional Communication and the WAC Journal. With IsabelleThompson, she wrote Talk about Writing: The Tutoring Strategies ofExperienced Writing Center Tutors. She also wrote The Aboutness ofWriting Center Talk: A Corpus-Driven and Discourse Analysis and WritingCenter Talk over Time: A Mixed-Method Study. The latter won theInternational Writing Center Association’s 2019 Outstanding Book award.
Jeanine Elise Aune
Jeanine (Jenny) Elise Aune is a Teaching Professor and the Director of ISUComm Advanced Communication (AdvComm) program at Iowa State University (ISU). She has an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has been teaching writing in the Department of English at Iowa State University since 1999. She was the Coordinator of ISU’s Learning Community (LC) English links for 11 years. Her responsibilities included helping linked discipline faculty communicate their expectations for students’ communication skills to English instructors, and helping English instructors re-design writing classes to help students develop those skills. The number of LC-linked English sections more than doubled during her tenure. She has been directing or co-directing the Advanced Communication program since 2011. She has worked with stakeholders across campus to build standardized curricula for the program’s four courses—business communication, proposal and report writing, biological communication, and technical communication—in both face-to-face and online mediums. These four courses are taught by ~40instructors in ~200 sections and enroll ~4,800 students every academic year. Most recently, the online business communication course earned QM certification1 at 97%, and the online technical communication course earned QM certification at 98%.
Donna Kienzler
Donna S. Kienzler is a Professor Emeritus of English at IowaState University, where she taught in the Rhetoric and ProfessionalCommunication program. As the Director of Advanced Communication, she oversawmore than 120 sections of business and technical communication annually. Shewas also an Assistant Director of the university’s Center for Excellence inLearning and Teaching, where she taught classes, seminars, and workshops onpedagogy; directed graduate student programming; and directed the PreparingFuture Faculty program, a career-training program for graduate students andpostdoctoral fellows. Her research focused on pedagogy and ethics.
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