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ISBN10: 1266554920 | ISBN13: 9781266554926

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* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
THiNK is a multicultural and interdisciplinary introductory critical-thinking textbook that offers core content and pedagogy in a succinct format that provides students with the skills necessary to make and commit to decisions in their lives based on reason and logic. THiNK also offers students extensive opportunity for application and practice, to develop and apply their critical-thinking skills.
Each chapter in THiNK addresses a different topic related to critical thinking, beginning with presenting the basic critical-thinking skills in Chapters 1 to 6. Chapters 7 and 8 apply these skills to analyzing inductive and deductive arguments. Chapters 9 to 13 provide flexibility to the instructor, as each of these chapters involves applying the critical skills studied in Chapters 1 to 8 to a different contemporary issue (e.g., Mass Media; Science; Marketing & Advertising). The major sections in each chapter are followed by a series of engaging application exercises.
1. Critical Thinking: Why It's Important
2. Reason and Emotion
3. Language and Communication
4. Knowledge, Evidence, and Errors in Thinking
5. Informal Fallacies
6. Recognizing, Analyzing and Constructing Arguments
7. Inductive Arguments
8. Deductive Arguments
9. Ethics and Moral Decision-Making
10. Marketing and Advertising
11. Mass Media
12. Science
13. Law and Politics
About the Author
Judith Boss
Judith A. Boss earned her PhD in 1990 from Boston University, her MA from Dalhousie University in Canada in 1971, and her BA from the University of Western Australia in 1969. Prior to pursing a career in academia, she worked as a writer/researcher for the Nova Scotia Museum. She was on the faculty of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Rhode Island from 1988 to 1995 and worked as Assistant Director of Curriculum Affairs at Brown University School of Medicine until 2004, when she "retired" to return to full-time writing. She remained at Brown University as a visiting scholar with the philosophy department for several years while working on her textbooks. In addition to her philosophical interests, she completed a MS in Human Development at URI in 1991 and has led faculty workshops and written extensively on the topic of college student development. She was recipient of a URI Foundation Grant to study the effects of community service learning on students' moral development and has served as a grant application reviewer for the Corporation for National Service. The author of nine books, her publications include ANALYZING MORAL ISSUES and ETHICS FOR LIFE, both with McGraw-Hill. Her textbook THiNK, also with McGraw-Hill, just came out in 2009. She is published in, among other, The Journal of Moral Education, Public Affairs Quarterly, The Journal of Medical Ethics, Academic Medicine, Educational Theory, Free Inquiry, and The Journal of Experiential Education. During her spare time she volunteers with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and is active in the Appalachian Mountain Club. An avid traveler, she has traveled with students from the University of Rhode Island and Brown Medical School to work with underserved, indigenous people in Guatemala and Mexico. Her favorite travel destination, however, is Antarctica, and Blue Ice, a suspense/thriller she wrote that is set in Antarctica, is coming out in print next year. She lives in Rhode Island with her daughter, son-in-law and twin granddaughters.
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