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The Art of Public Speaking: 2023 Release, 13th Edition
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* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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The award-winning The Art of Public Speaking offers a time-tested approach that has made it the most widely used college textbook on its subject in the world. Seamlessly coordinated with Connect, McGraw Hill's path-breaking online program, it supplies a proven set of teaching and learning tools that is without parallel among public speaking books.
For experienced instructors, The Art of Public Speaking presents a solid, fully customizable foundation and an abundance of teaching aids from which to choose, allowing for complete teaching flexibility in the course. For novice instructors, its wisdom, steady hand, and unmatched ancillary package instill confidence and build success in the classroom from day one.
This product is Evergreen: updated and relevant with new content and tools delivered directly to your existing Connect course. Engage students and freshen up assignments with up-to-date coverage of select topics and new questions, all without having to switch editions or build a new course. These updates will include:
• Expanded chapter on presenting online speeches
• NEW full student speeches
• Fresh real-world examples
• Enhanced discussion of presentation technology
• Updated MLA and APA citation models
1 Speaking in Public
2 Ethics and Public Speaking
3 Listening
4 Giving Your First Speech
5 Selecting a Topic and a Purpose
6 Analyzing the Audience
7 Gathering Materials
8 Supporting Your Ideas
9 Organizing the Body of the Speech
10 Beginning and Ending the Speech
11 Outlining the Speech
12 Using Language
13 Delivery
14 Using Visual Aids
15 Speaking to Inform
16 Speaking to Persuade
17 Methods of Persuasion
18 Speaking on Special Occasions
19 Presenting Your Speech Online
20 Speaking in Small Groups
APPENDIX Speeches for Analysis and Discussion
Main Features
- LMS Integration
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- Presentation Slides & Instructor Resources
- Question & Test Banks
- Adaptive Assignments
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- eBook Access (ReadAnywhere App)
- Remote Proctoring (Proctorio)
- Subject-Specific Tools
Main Features
- Quick Setup
- Lives within the LMS
- Assignable Readings
- Auto-Graded Chapter Questions
About the Author
Stephen Lucas
Stephen E. Lucas is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Communication Arts at the University of Wisconsin. His major books include Portents of Rebellion: Rhetoric and Revolution in Philadelphia, 1765–1776; Words of a Century: The Top 100 American Speeches, 1900–1999; and Rhetoric, Independence, and Nationhood, 1760–1800. A Distinguished Scholar of the National Communication Association, he has received the association’s Golden Anniversary Book Award and Golden Anniversary Monograph Award. He has also received a number of teaching awards, including the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching at the University of Wisconsin and the National Communication Association’s Donald H. Ecroyd Award for Outstanding Teaching in Higher Education. His many pedagogical innovations have had a profound influence in the United States and beyond, and The Art of Public Speaking has been translated into multiple languages, including Chinese, Portuguese, Korean, Romanian, and Japanese. Professor Lucas and his wife, Patty, split their time between Madison, Wisconsin, and Naples, Florida. They have two sons and four granddaughters.
Paul Stob
Paul Stob is Professor of Communication Studies at Vanderbilt University. A scholar of rhetorical criticism and American public address, his books include William James and the Art of Popular Statement and Intellectual Populism: Democracy, Inquiry, and the People, which received the James A. Winans-Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Rhetoric and Public Address from the National Communication Association. An accomplished teacher, Professor Stob teaches courses on public speaking, social movements, and American public address. He has received Vanderbilt’s Jeffrey Nordhaus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, and the Faculty Advisor Award in the Humanities. This is his first edition as co-author of The Art of Public Speaking. Paul Stob lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife, Sarah. They have one son, Elliott, and two dogs, Missy and Reggie.
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