Economics 11 9781260225587 Colanders Economics 11e is specifically designed to help today’s students succeed in the principles of economics course and grasp economics concepts they can apply in their daily lives. Colander’s trademark colloquial approach focuses on modern economics, institutions, history, and modeling. Colander presents and applies economic models, but also encourages students to think about model nuances, building their critical thinking skills and applying models to the real world. Content in Colander is organized around learning objectives to make it easier for students to understand the material and for instructors to build assignments within Connect. Through Connect and SmartBook, students will find engaging activities, helpful tutorial videos, and learning resources at that moment of need.


11th Edition
By David Colander
ISBN10: 1260225585
ISBN13: 9781260225587
Copyright: 2020
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ISBN10: 1260225585 | ISBN13: 9781260225587



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ISBN10: 126069013X | ISBN13: 9781260690132



The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

Program Details

1  Economics and Economic Reasoning
2  The Production Possibilities Model, Trade, and Globalization  
3  Economic Institutions
4  Supply and Demand
5  Using Supply and Demand

6  Describing Supply and Demand: Elasticities  
7  Taxation and Government Intervention 
8   Market Failure versus Government Failure
8W Politics and Economics: The Case of Agricultural Markets

9    Comparative Advantage, Exchange Rates, and Globalization 
10  International Trade Policy

11   Production and Cost Analysis I 
12   Production and Cost Analysis II

13   Perfect Competition 
14   Monopoly and Monopolist Competition
15   Oligopoly and Antitrust
16   Real-World Competition and Technology

17   Work and the Labor Market 
17W Nonwage and Asset Income: Rents, Profits, and Interest
18   Who Gets What? The Distribution of Income

19   The Logic of Individual Choice: The Foundation of Supply and Demand 
20   Game Theory, Strategic Decision Making, and Behavioral Economics

21   Thinking Like a Modern Economist
22   Behavioral Economics and Modern Economic Policy
23   Microeconomic Policy, Economic Reasoning, and Beyond

24   Economic Growth, Business Cycles, and Unemployment  
25   Measuring and Describing the Aggregate Economy  

26   The Keynesian Short-Run Policy Model: Demand-Side Policies  
26W The Multiplier Model  
27   The Classical Long-Run Policy Model: Growth and Supply-Side Policies 

28   The Financial Sector and the Economy 
29   Monetary Policy 
30   Financial Crises, Panics, and Unconventional Monetary Policy 

31   Deficits and Debt: The Austerity Debate
32   The Fiscal Policy Dilemma

33   Jobs and Unemployment 
34   Inflation, Deflation, and Macro Policy 

35   International Financial Policy 
36   Macro Policy in a Global Setting 
37   Structural Stagnation and Globalization
38   Macro Policy in Developing Countries 

About the Author

David Colander

David Colander is Distinguished College Professor at Middlebury College. He has authored, coauthored, or edited over 40 books and over 150 articles on a wide range of economic topics.

He earned his B.A. at Columbia College and his M.Phil. and Ph.D. at Columbia University. He also studied at the University of Birmingham in England and at Wilhelmsburg Gymnasium in Germany. Professor Colander has taught at Columbia University, Vassar College, the University of Miami, and Princeton University as the Kelley Professor of Distinguished Teaching. He has also been a consultant to Time-Life Films, a consultant to Congress, a Brookings Policy Fellow, and Visiting Scholar at Nuffield College, Oxford.

He has been president of both the History of Economic Thought Society and the Eastern Economics Association. He has also served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Economic Perspectives, The Journal of Economic Education, The Journal of Economic Methodology, The Journal of the History of Economic Thought, The Journal of Socio-Economics, and The Eastern Economic Journal. He has been chair of the AEA Committee on Electronic Publishing, a member of the AEA Committee on Economic Education, and is currently the associate editor for content of the Journal of Economic Education.

He is married to a pediatrician, Patrice. In their spare time, the Colanders designed and built an oak post-and-beam house on a ridge overlooking the Green Mountains to the east and the Adirondacks to the west. The house is located on the site of a former drive-in movie theater. (They replaced the speaker poles with fruit trees and used the I-beams from the screen as support for the second story of the carriage house and the garage.) They now live in both Florida and Vermont.


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