Introductory Operations Management Course Products

Choose a content option below that suits your rigor, writing and teaching preferences.

Clear and concise. Comprehensive breadth with less depth of operations management topics. Includes applications and mini cases. Written for a 300-level survey course

Operations Management, Thirteenth Edition
By William J. Stevenson
Copyright: 2018


Comprehensive in depth and breadth of operations management and supply chain topics. Suitable for an upper-division survey course combining OM and Supply Chain.

Operations and Supply Chain Management, Fifteenth Edition
By Jacobs and Chase
Copyright: 2018


Clear and concise, with moderately comprehensive topic coverage, including some global cases. Suitable for a 300-level traditional- or case-based survey course

Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases, Seventh Edition
By Schroeder and Goldstein
Copyright: 2018


Less breadth, but more comprehensive depth of OM topics and more emphasis on process and application. Suitable for a non-traditional upper-division intro OM course

Operations Management
By Cachon and Terwiesch
Copyright: 2017


Moderately comprehensive breadth and more depth of OM and supply chain topics with a sustainability chapter. Written for the 300-level undergrad survey course

Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain, Third Edition
By Swink, Melnyk, Cooper, and Hartley
Copyright: 2017


Each chapter is structured around a company example. Suitable for a 400-level or graduate/MBA introductory OM course and applications based

Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Core, Fourth Edition
By Jacobs and Chase
Copyright: 2017


Digital Tools to Help Your Students Succeed in Your Introductory Operations Management Course

McGraw Hill Connect® for Introductory Operations Management provides the most comprehensive solution to the market. Each asset in Connect is designed to address pressing course challenges, like student engagement, student preparedness, and relevancy. No matter how your course is designed, we have a solution that's got you covered.

Learn more about Connect

Helping Students Prepare for Lecture

SmartBook - The first and only adaptive reading and study experience designed to change the way students read and master key course concepts. As a student engages with SmartBook, the program creates a personalized learning path by highlighting the most impactful concepts the student needs to learn at that moment in time and delivering targeted probing questions. This rich, dynamic delivery helps students learn the material, retain more knowledge, and get better grades.

Helping Students Connect the Dots

OM Video Series - These on-location videos highlight real companies and their actual manufacturing processes, bringing key operations management topics to life. These videos are mapped to topics and chapters and are available within the Connect resources.

Concept Overview Videos - These assignable videos with corresponding questions provide students with additional reinforcement on core topics in the chapters. Created by instructors, these personal videos will bring online courses to life and help supplement any face-to-face class. The videos are followed by auto-graded concept-check questions that are organized by chapter within Connect.

Helping Students Solve Problems

Guided Examples provide narrated and animated, step-by-step walkthroughs of versions of assigned problems. This allows students to identify, review, or reinforce the concepts and activities covered in class. Guided Examples provide immediate feedback and focus on the areas where students need the most guidance.

Static & Algorithmic Problems Each chapter includes a set of problems from the text to assign for homework. A combination of conceptual and step-by-step questions help students reinforce and apply their learning.

College students using technology

Helping Students Engage in Class

Simulations - Practice Operations is a simulated game where students play the owner of a clothing manufacturing and distribution company. They must make strategic decisions and operate their growing virtual business at a profit. Students bid for contracts, source raw materials like cotton and denim, buy and set up machines to cut, sew, and produce different kinds of apparel, and deliver finished goods to their customers. Students learn and practice each of these skills while working their way up to managing the entire operation. Available currently as a salable widget in Connect.

Students working together in group setting