Nutrition Course Products
Choose a content option below that suits your rigor, writing and teaching preferences.
Engaging, scientific content and concepts are explained accurately and precisely in this text for your introductory majors course.
Wardlaw's Perspectives in Nutrition, Eleventh Edition
By Byrd-Bredbenner, Moe, Berning, and Kelley
Copyright: 2019
Presented by how nutrients affect the body, scientific content is explained in a high-interest fashion.
Wardlaw's Perspectives in Nutrition: A Functional Approach, Second Edition
By Byrd-Bredbenner, Moe, Berning, and Kelley
Copyright: 2019
Interesting, engaging, reliable, and evidence-based introductory majors text with a wide variety of features to promote active learning
Human Nutrition: Science for Healthy Living, Second Edition
By Stephenson and Schiff
Copyright: 2019
A complete and balanced resource for nutrition information, written at a level non-science majors can understand
Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition, Eleventh Edition
By Smith, Collene, and Spees
Copyright: 2019
Reader-friendly and current, this unique approach organizes vitamins and minerals within the context of physiological functions and the health conditions they influence.
Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition: A Functional Approach, Fifth Edition
By Smith, Collene, and Spees
Copyright: 2018
Engaging and fun-to-read, this text is consumer-focused, while providing the scientific foundation of nutrition.
Nutrition For Healthy Living, Fifth Edition
By Wendy J. Schiff
Copyright: 2019
Emphasizes applying nutrition concepts to students' daily lives with a readable, consumer-focused approach
Nutrition Essentials: A Personal Approach, Second Edition
By Wendy J. Schiff
Copyright: 2018
Practical and relevant, this reader-friendly text examines the interrelationship of health, fitness, sport, and nutrition.
Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Sport, Eleventh Edition
By Williams, Rawson, and Branch
Copyright: 2017
Digital tools to help your students succeed in your Nutrition course
McGraw Hill Connect® for Nutrition provides the most comprehensive solution to the market. Each asset in Connect is designed to address pressing course challenges, like student engagement, student preparedness, and relevancy. No matter how your course is designed, we have a solution that's got you covered.
Learn more about ConnectHelping students prepare for lecture
SmartBook with Learning Resources - The first and only adaptive reading and study experience designed to change the way students read and master key course concepts. As a student engages with SmartBook, the program creates a personalized learning path by highlighting the most impactful concepts the student needs to learn at that moment in time and delivering learning resources-videos, animations, and other interactivities. These rich, dynamic resources help students learn the material, retain more knowledge, and get better grades.
Helping students engage in class
Tutorials and Animations - Within Connect, instructors can choose from a variety of questions, many of which are interactive or include a tutorial or animation to help students grasp more difficult concepts within each chapter. Instructors can also use the tutorials and animations during class time or one-on-one with students as an extra resource
Helping students connect the dots with dietary analysis
NutritionCalc Plus - Provides an accurate, productive, and mobile-friendly platform, developed according to WCAG guidelines, to record intakes and activities, and utilize reports needed to understand and analyze dietary analysis. Digital auto-graded case study assignments allow for active learning and provide relevant real-life scenarios. This tool brings students a database of more than 35,000 foods from the industry's leading source: ESHA Research, which is comprised of data from manufacturers, restaurants, and the latest USDA Standard Reference for the most precise, accurate data.