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Engage students and deepen learning. Learn more about how our digital content platform helps your students.

Actively Learn is one of the best products I’ve seen. The way the content is interspersed with standards-oriented questioning makes it extremely effective.
Supports Students & Teachers
- Hear, define, and translate text into 100+ languages
- Customize assignments to meet the needs of all students
- Connect standards-aligned assignments to core courses

Drives Instruction with Real-time Data
- Built-in scaffolds and immediate feedback
- 100+ digital simulations & interactive data sets
- Measure growth with reports for student proficiency and activity
- Monitor student progress across standards and content areas with real-time performance data

Customization & Collaboration
- Customize content with editable questions, writing prompts, and annotations
- Easily upload your own texts, slides, PDFs, and videos
- Adjust text settings for readability
- Share digital resources and coauthor assignments

One thing I love about Actively Learn is the teacher is able within the platform to have discussions with students and provide them with real-time feedback.