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Managing Human Resources, 12th Edition
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Managing Human Resources 12e is for the general management student whose job inevitably will involve responsibility for managing people. It explicitly links the relationship between productivity, quality of work life, and profits to various human resource management activities and as such, strengthens the students' perception of human resource management as an important function, which affects individuals, organizations, and society. It is research-based and contains strong links to the applicability of this research to real business situations.
CHAPTER 1: Human Resources in a Globally Competitive Business Environment
CHAPTER 2: HR Technology
CHAPTER 3: Talent Analytics: The Financial Impact of HR Activities
CHAPTER 4: The Legal Context of Employment Decisions
CHAPTER 5: Diversity at Work
CHAPTER 6: Planning for People
CHAPTER 7: Recruiting
CHAPTER 8: Staffing
CHAPTER 9: Training and On-Boarding
CHAPTER 10: Performance Management cio
CHAPTER 11: Pay and Incentive Systems
CHAPTER 12: Indirect Compensation: Employee Benefit Plans
CHAPTER 13: Union Representation and Collective Bargaining
CHAPTER 14: Procedural Justice and Ethics in Employee Relations
CHAPTER 15: Safety, Health, and Employee Assistance Programs
CHAPTER 16: International Dimensions of Human Resource Management
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About the Author
Wayne Cascio
Earned his B.A. degree from Holy Cross College in 1968, his M.A. degree from Emory University in 1969, and his Ph.D. in industrial/organizational psychology from the University of Rochester in 1973. Since that time he has taught at Florida International University, the University of California/ Berkeley, and the University of Colorado/Denver, where he is at present Professor of Management. He has served president both of the Human Resources Division of the Academy of Management and of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. In addition to hosting an annual week-long conference on international human resource management at the University of Colorado, Professor Cascio has consulted on five continents with a wide variety of organizations in both the public and private sectors on HR matters. He also periodically testifies as an expert witness in employment discrimination cases. Professor Cascio is an active researcher and is the author or editor of five books on human resources management.
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