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Introduction to Managerial Accounting, 9th Edition
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Brewer'sIntroduction to Managerial Accounting has earned a reputation as the mostaccessible and readable book on the market. Its manageable chapters and clearpresentation point students toward understanding, just as the needle of thecompass provides direction to travelers.
However, thebook's authors also understand that everyone's destination may be different.Some students will become accountants, while others are destined for careers inmanagement, marketing, or finance. Not only does the Brewer text teach studentsmanagerial accounting concepts in a clear and concise way, it also asksstudents to consider how the concepts they are learning will apply to thereal-world situations they will eventually face in their careers. Thiscombination of conceptual understanding and the ability to apply that knowledgedirects students toward success, whatever their final destination may be.
PROLOGUE Managerial Accounting: An Overview
CHAPTER ONE Managerial Accounting and Cost Concepts
CHAPTER TWO Job-Order Costing: Calculating UnitProduct Costs
CHAPTER THREE Job-Order Costing: Cost Flows andExternal Reporting
CHAPTER FOUR Activity-Based Costing
CHAPTER FIVE Process Costing
CHAPTER SIX Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships
CHAPTER SEVEN Variable Costing and Segment Reporting:Tools for Management
CHAPTER EIGHT Master Budgeting
CHAPTER NINE Flexible Budgets, Standard Costs, andVariance Analysis
CHAPTER TEN Performance Measurement in DecentralizedOrganizations
CHAPTER ELEVEN Differential Analysis: The Key toDecision Making
CHAPTER TWELVE Capital Budgeting Decisions
CHAPTER THIRTEEN Statement of Cash Flows
CHAPTER FOURTEEN Financial Statement Analysis
Integration Exercises: An Overview
About the Author
Peter Brewer
Peter C. Brewer teaches in the Department of Accountancy at Wake Forest University. Prior to joining the faculty at Wake Forest, he was an accounting professor at Miami University for 19 years. He holds a BS degree in accounting from Penn State University, an MS degree in accounting from the University of Virginia, and a PhD from the University of Tennessee. He has published more than 40 articles in a variety of journals including Management Accounting Research; the Journal of Information Systems; Cost Management; Strategic Finance; the Journal of Accountancy; Issues in Accounting Education; and the Journal of Business Logistics.
Professor Brewer has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Accounting Education and Issues in Accounting Education. His article “Putting Strategy into the Balanced Scorecard” won the 2003 International Federation of Accountants’ Articles of Merit competition, and his articles “Using Six Sigma to Improve the Finance Function” and “Lean Accounting: What’s It All About?” were awarded the Institute of Management Accountants’ Lybrand Gold and Silver Medals in 2005 and 2006. He has received Miami University’s Richard T. Farmer School of Business Teaching Excellence Award.
Professor Brewer and his wife own a Howdy Homemade Ice Cream shop in Asheville, North Carolina ( Howdy Homemade’s highest priority is recruiting, training, retaining, and promoting its employees—the majority of whom have intellectual and developmental disabilities. The company’s employees “pay it forward” by serving all members of their community and inspiring all of us to realize the potential in each of us.
Ray Garrison
Ray H. Garrison is emeritus professor of accounting at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. He received his BS and MS degrees from Brigham Young University and his DBA degree from Indiana University.
As a certified public accountant, Professor Garrison has been involved in management consulting work with both national and regional accounting firms. He has published articles in The Accounting Review, Management Accounting, and other professional journals. Innovation in the classroom has earned Professor Garrison the Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Teaching Award from Brigham Young University.
Eric Noreen
Eric W. Noreen has taught at INSEAD in France and the Hong Kong Institute of Science and Technology and is emeritus professor of accounting at the University of Washington. Currently, he is the Accounting Circle Professor of Accounting, Fox School of Business, Temple University.
He received his BA degree from the University of Washington and MBA and PhD degrees from Stanford University. A Certified Management Accountant, he was awarded a Certificate of Distinguished Performance by the Institute of Certified Management Accountants.
Professor Noreen has served as associate editor of The Accounting Review and the Journal of Accounting and Economics. He has numerous articles in academic journals including the Journal of Accounting Research; The Accounting Review; the Journal of Accounting and Economics; Accounting Horizons; Accounting, Organizations and Society; Contemporary Accounting Research; the Journal of Management Accounting Research; and the Review of Accounting Studies.
Professor Noreen has won a number of awards from students for his teaching.
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