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Analysis for Financial Management, 13th Edition
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Like its predecessors, the thirteenth edition of Analysis for Financial Management is for nonfinancial executives and business students interested in the practice of financial management. It introduces standard techniques and recent advances in a practical, intuitive way. This product assumes no prior background beyond a rudimentary and perhaps rusty familiarity with financial statements—although a healthy curiosity about what makes business tick is also useful. The emphasis throughout is on the managerial implications of financial analysis.
Analysis for Financial Management should prove valuable to individuals interested in sharpening their managerial skills and to executive program participants. This product has also found a home in university classrooms as the sole text in Executive MBA and applied finance courses, as a companion text in case-oriented courses, and as a supplementary reading in more theoretical courses.
Assessing the Financial Health of the Firm
1 Interpreting Financial Statements
2 Evaluating Financial Performance
Planning Future Financial Performance
3 Financial Forecasting
4 Managing Growth
Financing Operations
5 Financial Instruments and Markets
6 The Financing Decision
Evaluating Investment Opportunities
7 Discounted Cash Flow Techniques
8 Risk Analysis in Investment Decisions
9 Business Valuation and Corporate Restructuring
Brief Contents
Main Features
- LMS Integration
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- Adaptive Assignments
- Student Progress Reporting & Analytics
- Essay Prompts
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- Interactive Exercises
- eBook Access (ReadAnywhere App)
- Remote Proctoring (Proctorio)
- Subject-Specific Tools
About the Author
Robert Higgins
Jennifer Koski
Kirby L. Cramer Endowed Chair in Finance, PhD Stanford, PACCAR Award for Teaching Excellence, 2001, 2008, 2015, Charles E. Summer Outstanding Teaching Award, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2015.
Todd Mitton
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