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ISBN10: 1265678111 | ISBN13: 9781265678111

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Trayectorias: español práctico is a modular, backward-designed, digital learning experience that helps prepare students to perform real-world tasks in Spanish. Each module culminates in 6 practical (real-world) tasks based on the ACTFL modes of communication and language domains. Highly customizable, Trayectorias can be used in Introductory or Intermediate Spanish. With Trayectorias: español práctico, McGraw Hill directly responds to today’s student, faculty, and administrative demands in language education by focusing on real-world applications for language learning, course flexibility, high student engagement, personalized paths of study, and meaningful measurement of progress. This innovative approach helps students build skills and confidence, highlights the value of language competency, and invests students in a long-term commitment to language learning.
• Navegando la vida diaria / Navigating Daily Life
• Preparándonos para las clases / Getting Ready for Class
• Moviéndonos por la ciudad / Getting around a City
• ¡A comer! / Eating
• De compras / Shopping
• Recapitulando / Recapping
• Buscando nueva vivienda / Finding a Home
• A viajar / Traveling
• Narrando el pasado / Narrating the Past
• Manteniéndonos sanos y salvos / Staying Healthy and Physically Safe
• Haciendo planes / Making Plans
• A trabajar / Working
Components of Trayectorias
• Vocabulary activities
• Vocabulary Adaptive Learning Assignments (ALAs)
• Grammar Tutorial Videos with comprehension questions
• Grammar ALAs with Learning Resources
• Controlled single- and multi-concept production activities
• Quiz questions
• Cultural readings with conversation prompts and comprehension checks
• Interactive Mission
• Practice tasks
• Performance tasks
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