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ISBN10: 1260681343 | ISBN13: 9781260681345

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Human Relations: Strategies for Success, 7e, by Lamberton, Minor or Zeigler will help you prepare for this changing world. This text covers time-tested, research-based social science and management principles, as well as newer theories and philosophies of human relations drawn from management theory, group theory, personality theory, and relationship theory. More than ever, effective relations skills are crucial to business success as organizations grow and compete in a global business environment. Employees must have the knowledge and skill to adapt to a workplace where change is frequent and inevitable.
Their commitment to the creation of a book that is at once interesting to read, motivating to study, and relevant to a wide variety has been the driving force behind Human Relations: Strategies for Success.
Part 1: Human Relations and You
1. Human Relations: A Background
2. Self-Concept and Self-Esteem in Human Relations
3. Self-Awareness and Self-Disclosure
4. Attitudes and Values in Human Relations
5. Motivation: Increasing Productivity
Part 2: Human Relations in Groups
6. Communication and Human Relations
7. Teamwork and Leadership
8. Achieving Emotional Control
Part 3: Building Your Human Relations Skills
9. Individual and Organizational Change
10. Creativity and Human Relations
11. Conflict Management
12. Stress and Stress Management
13. Your External and Internal Customers
Part 4: Thriving in a Changing World
14. Human Relations in a World of Diversity
15. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
16. A Productive Workplace and Success
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