Introduction to Philosophy Course Products

Find the perfect fit for your course

Looking At Philosophy: The Unbearable Heaviness of Philosophy Made Lighter

Looking at Philosophy, 7th edition by Palmer

A discussion of serious philosophical topics brought to life with the use of humor, and nearly 400 drawings, charts, and diagrams.

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Doing Philosophy: An Introduction Through Thought Experiments

Doing Philosophy, 6th edition by Schick

An active learning approach to philosophy that encourages reflection on philosophical theories and the thought experiments used to test them

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Philosophy: A Historical Survey with Essential Readings

Philosophy, 10th edition by Stumpf

An engaging presentation of the primary contributions of Western Civilization's most influential philosophers, along with classic readings

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Does the Center Hold?, 7th edition by Palmer

A topically organized introductory text presented in a remarkably accessible and enjoyable format for students

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The Elements of Moral Philosophy

The Elements of Moral Philosophy, 9th edition by Rachels

A thought-provoking introduction to major moral concepts and theories in philosophy through clear explanations and compelling discussions

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The Philosophical Journey: An Interactive Approach

The Philosophical Journey: An Interactive Approach, 7th edition by Lawhead

A unique approach to teaching Philosophical concepts through practical application, primary sources, exercises, and readings

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Philosophy: The Power Of Ideas

Philosophy: The Power of Ideas, 10th edition by Moore

An overview of Western Philosophy written in an engaging, conversational style that links philosophical ideas to the lives of everyday people

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Connect® for Introduction to Philosophy

Personalized Experience

SmartBook prompts students with questions based on the material they are studying. By assessing individual answers, SmartBook learns what each student knows and identifies which topics they need to practice. This adaptive technology gives each student a personalized learning experience and path to success.

Content Retention

The recharge tool helps students better prepare for exams by allowing them to review and refresh their understanding of challenging material. On average, students experience stronger comprehension with a knowledge retention rate of 89.9% using Connect versus 70.1% without it.

Flexible & Mobile Course Material

With Connect, students have the flexibility to study when they want. Our Read Anywhere app lets students access their eBook from their mobile phone or tablets. Students also can download a chapter or the entire text if they want to study offline.