Find the perfect fit for your course

Financial Accounting, 5/e

Spiceland, Thomas, and Herrmann, Financial Accounting, 5e

The Spiceland-Thomas “Organized Learning Framework” presents material in a clear, concise, and balanced fashion through a widely praised conversational writing style.

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Financial Accounting, 10/e

Libby and Hodge, Financial Accounting, 10e

A highly respected and time-tested title that employs a rigorous, proven pedagogy widely used by a majority of top business programs.

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Introductory Financial Accounting for Business, 1/e

Edmonds, Introductory Financial Accounting for Business 1e

A decision maker’s approach that builds critical-thinking skills and drives conceptual foundations by delaying the use of terms like “debits” and “credits.”

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Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts 10/e

Edmonds, McNair, and Olds, Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts 10e

A user’s approach that drives students to understand financial accounting’s overall impact on a business.

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Fundamentals of Financial Accounting 6/e

Phillips and Libby, Fundamentals of Financial Accounting 6e

A balanced approach with an engaging writing style, entrepreneurial focus, and data-driven pedagogy shown to improve Accounting Cycle understanding.

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Financial Accounting Fundamentals 7/e

Wild, Financial Accounting Fundamentals 7e

A “building-block” approach with a visually engaging presentation and streamlined coverage, including real-world business examples and analytical decision-making tools.

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Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions 9/e

Wild, Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions 9e

A streamlined, visually enhanced edition that uses real business examples, analytical decision-making tools, and a highly engaging “building block approach.”

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Principles of Financial Accounting (Chapters 1-17) 24/e

Wild and Shaw, Principles of Financial Accounting (Chapters 1-17) 24e

A selection of the Financial chapters from the popular Fundamental Accounting Principles title, taking a step-by-step approach to sole proprietorship examples to help build student confidence.

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Connect® for Financial Accounting

Helping students get ready for your course

SMARTBOOK® – Smartbook makes study time as productive and efficient as possible. SmartBook identifies and closes knowledge gaps through a continually adapting reading experience that highlights portions of the content based on comprehension. Students have a visual representation of the areas in which they have demonstrated understanding, as well as areas in which they need to focus. The result? More confidence, better grades, and greater success.

Helping students build data analytics skills

Tableau Dashboard Activities allow students to explore live Tableau dashboards integrated into Connect through interactive filters, charts, and menus. Auto-graded calculation- and analysis-based questions provide immediate feedback.

Helping students prepare for lecture

CONCEPT OVERVIEW VIDEOS – Videos that teach each chapter’s core learning objectives and concepts through an engaging multimedia presentation. These learning tools bring the text content to life through video, audio, and checkpoint questions that are graded for accuracy – ensuring students complete and fully comprehend the material. Concept Overview Videos harness the full power of technology to truly engage and appeal to all learning styles. Concept Overview Videos are ideal in all class formats—online, face-to-face or hybrid.

Helping students engage in class

GENERAL LEDGER PROBLEMS – General Ledger problems offer students the ability to record financial transactions in a series of statements using the same spreadsheet-based recording system that their end-of-chapter content is built on. By hyperlinking entries between statements, General Ledger problems allow students to see how transactions post from one statement to another while giving an overview of the accounting cycle. Easy no-scroll navigation, instant “Check My Work” feedback, and fully integrated hyperlinking across tabs show how inputted data affects each stage of the Accounting process.

Helping students prepare for the workforce

EXCEL SIMULATIONS - Drives students to practice their Excel skills, such as basic formulas and formatting, within the context of accounting. When enabled by the instructor, these questions feature animated, narrated Help and Show Me tutorials.

APPLYING EXCEL - Applying Excel helps students master core accounting procedures while working directly in real Excel software. These assignments are auto-gradable and provide instant feedback to students within Connect.