Freshman Composition Course Products

Choose a content option below that suits your rigor, writing and teaching preferences.

Easy, tabbed navigation with a focus on writing responsibilities and plagiarism

Writing Matters: A Handbook for Writing and Research, Third Edition TABBED
By Rebecca Moore Howard
Copyright: 2019


Comprehensive version with a focus on writing responsibilities and plagiarism

Writing Matters: A Handbook for Writing and Research (Comprehensive Edition with Exercises), Third Edition
By Rebecca Moore Howard
Copyright: 2018


Easy, tabbed navigation with a focus on Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC)

A Writer's Resource, Fifth Edition
By Maimon, Peritz, and Yancey
Copyright: 2016


Visit the Freshman Composition discipline page for additional tools and resources, including case studies from your peers.

Digital tools to help your students succeed in your Freshman Composition course

McGraw Hill Connect® for Freshman Composition provides the most comprehensive solution to the market. Each asset in Connect is designed to address pressing course challenges, like student success and student preparedness. No matter how your course is designed, we have a solution that's got you covered.

Learn more about Connect

Helping students succeed through mastery

LearnSmart Achieve - Available in all Connect Composition products, LearnSmart Achieve is the first and only adaptive study experience designed to boost student success by providing individualized learning resources on key topics in composition. As students master the course content, reports inform instructors on student and class performance. A time management features helps students better prioritize their time, improve their course performance, and come to class ready to engage.

Helping students practice critical reading and writing

Power of Process - McGraw Hill's critical reading and writing tool helps students see writing and reading as a recursive, natural process. These reading and writing strategies pose different questions to students and ask them to think critically and engage actively with the text by highlighting, annotating, and responding.

Helping students study anytime, anywhere

Connect's eBook and ReadAnywhere app - McGraw Hill's new app gives students the freedom to access their Connect eBook anywhere, even offline, on their smartphone or tablet. They can read off-line and data-free by downloading the entire text or only the chapters they need. Students can learn "hands-free" with the new ReadSpeaker text-to-speech tool -it reads the book to students in the app or in Connect!
