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Urban Economics, 9th Edition
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Over the course of two decades, Urban Economics has achieved a worldwide audience, and has been translated into Chinese, Greek, Russian, and Korean. Like the eight previous editions, this edition provides a clear and concise presentation of the economic forces that:
Part I: Introduction and Key Concepts
1. Introduction
2. Key Concepts of Urban Economics
Part II: Market Forces in the Development of Cities
3. Trading and Factory Towns
4. Agglomeration Economies
5. Where Do Cities Develop?
6. Consumer Cities and Central Place Theory
7. Cities in a Regional Economy
8. The Urban Labor Market
9. The First Cities
Part III: Urban Land Use and Housing
10. Land Rent and Manufacturing Land Use
11. Office Space and Tall Buildings
12. Housing Prices and Residential Land Use
13. Distribution of Jobs and People
14. The Monocentric City and Urban General Equilibrium
15. Neighborhoods
16. Land Policy
17. Urban Housing
Part IV: Urban Transportation
18. Cars and Roads
19. Public Transit
Part V: Local Government, Education, and Crime
20. Role of Local Government
21. Local Government Revenue
22. Education
23. Crime
24. Models of Microeconomics
About the Author
Arthur O'Sullivan
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