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ISBN10: 1260121372 | ISBN13: 9781260121377

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Your game plan for career success—from International Basketball Pro Dre Baldwin
No one knows how to turn unrelenting self-belief into hard-and-fast career results better than Dre Baldwin. When everyone and everything was telling him to give up on his goal of playing pro basketball, he got focused on his future, and met the challenge head on. In the end, Baldwin succeeded—making a living playing basketball in leagues around the world—and in these pages, he shares all his secrets.
Whether you’re just starting out in business or looking to take your career to the next level, Work On Your Game provides the strategy you need to succeed from the inside-out. Dre Baldwin, or “DreAllDay,” as his fans know him, delivers an easy-to-understand four-part model for achieving any goal. It’s based on discipline, confidence, mental toughness, and personal initiative—and it’s proven effective.
Baldwin takes you through the steps of identifying what’s expected of you, preparing for what's coming, and conditioning your body and mind for the competitive world of business—and everything is a business.
Baldwin’s personal story of beating the odds is both inspiring and instructional. You’ll learn how to play the mental game in a way that launches you towards unparalleled achievement.
Introduction: Why Work On Your Game Exists
Chapter 1: Cardio For the Mind
Chapter 2: The Third Day and Beyond
Chapter 3: Super You
Chapter 4: Eliminate Self-Consciousness and Performance Anxiety, Forever
Chapter 5: What Are You Afraid Of?
Chapter 6: Mental Toughness
Chapter 7: Go-Getter
Chapter 8: Selling Yourself
Chapter 9: Your Interpersonal Game
Chapter 10: Mentorship
Chapter 11: Bad Mental Errors That Good People Make
Chapter 12: Don't Live By the Book
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