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Essentials of World Regional Geography
Essentials of World Regional Geography

Essentials of World Regional Geography, 3rd Edition

ISBN10: 0073369357 | ISBN13: 9780073369358
By George White, Joseph Dymond, Elizabeth Chacko, Justin Scheidt and Michael Bradshaw
© 2014

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* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

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Essentials of World Regional Geography, 3e gives readers an approach that combines fundamental geographical elements, internal regional diversity, and contemporary issues. This approach allows serious discussion of cultural and environmental issues, as well as political and economic issues. White Essentials of World Regional Geography, 3e encourages students to consider what it means to be part of a global community and to develop their geographical understandings of world events.

Essentials of World Regional Geography has chapter openings with a physical features map of the region, which includes short accounts of people or events to provide a personal flavor of the region, an outline of the chapter contents, and a short section placing the region in its wider global context. Each regional chapter is consistently organized by three sections. The first section summarizes the distinctive physical and human geographies of the region; the second section explores the internal diversity of the region at subregional, selected country, and local levels. The third section focuses on a selection of contemporary issues that are important to the people of each region and frequently have implications for the rest of the world. Each regional chapter follows the same framework, allowing students to easily make comparisons from one world region to the next.

This new edition now offers a suite of digital resources including ConnectPlus, LearnSmart, and SmartBook!

1 Essentials of World Regional Geography

2 Europe

3 Russia and Neighboring Countries

4 East Asia

5 Southeast Asia

6 South Asia

7 Northern Africa and Southwestern Asia

8 Sub-Saharan Africa

9 Australia, Oceania and Antarctica

10 Latin America

11 North America

About the Author

George White

Joseph Dymond

Elizabeth Chacko

Justin Scheidt

Michael Bradshaw

Bradshaw taught geography at the College of St. Mark & John (Plymouth, England) for 22 years. His research has focused on the impact of US federal programs in Appalachia.

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