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ISBN10: 125964197X | ISBN13: 9781259641978

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Understand the fundamentals, methods, and processes of modern hydrology
This comprehensive engineering textbook offers a thorough overview of all aspects of hydrology and shows how to apply hydrologic principles for effective management of water resources. It presents detailed explanations of scientific principles along with real-world applications and technologies. Engineering Hydrology: An Introduction to Processes, Analysis, and Modeling follows a logical progression that builds on foundational concepts with modern hydrologic methods. Every hydrologic process is clearly explained along with current techniques for modeling and analyzing data. You will get practice problems throughout that help reinforce important concepts.
Coverage includes:
•The hydrologic cycle
•Water balance
•Components of the hydrologic cycle
•Infiltration and soil moisture
•Surface water
•Water quality
•Hydrologic measurements
•Streamflow measurement
•Remote sensing and geographic information systems
•Hydrologic analysis and modeling
•Unit hydrograph models
•River flow modeling
•Design storm and design flood estimation
•Environmental flows
•Impact of climate change on water management
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