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ISBN10: 1259656632 | ISBN13: 9781259656637
Supervision: A Redefinition, 9th Edition
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The ninth edition of Supervision: A Redefinition is a research-based guide to the practice of supervision that aims to clarify the major challenges teachers and supervisors face within the policy context; focus on essential, foundational understandings that feed the integrity of teaching and supervision; and explore the complexities of the practice of supervision and teaching which supervisors must deal with. The 9th edition re-defines supervision once again in light of the complex demands being placed on principals and central office administrators, while continuing to emphasize the book’s original theme of human perspectives.
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About the Author
Thomas Sergiovanni
Thomas J. Sergiovanni is Lillian Radford Professor of Education and Administration in Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas. He received his BS degree (1958) in elementary education from the State University of New York, Geneseo; his MA degree (1959) in educational administration from Teachers College, Columbia University; and his Ed.D. degree (1966), also in educational administration, from the University of Rochester. Sergiovanni also holds the Doctor of Humane Letters degree from the University of San Diego and the Doctor of Humane Letters degree from the State University of New York. From 1958 to 1964, he was an elementary school teacher and science consultant in New York state and taught in the teacher education program at the State University of New York, Buffalo. In 1966, he began nineteen years on the educational administration faculty at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he chaired the department for seven years. At Trinity University, Sergiovanni teaches in the school leadership program and in the five-year teacher education program. He is senior fellow at the Center for Educational Leadership and the founding director of the Trinity Principals' Center. A former associate editor of Educational Administration Quarterly, he serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, , Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice and Schools: Studies in Education. Among his recent books are Moral Leadership: Getting to the Heart of School Improvement (1992), Building Community in Schools (1994), Leadership for the Schoolhouse: How Is It Different? Why Is It Important? (1996), Rethinking Leadership (1999), The Lifeworld of Leadership: Creating Culture, Community, and Personal Meaning in Our Schools (2000), Leadership: What's In It For Schools (2001), Strengthening the Heartbeat: Leading and Learning Together in Schools (2005) and The Principalship: A Reflective Practice Perspective, 5E (2006)
Robert Starratt
Robert J. Starratt is Professor and Program Director in Educational Administration at the School of Education of Boston College. He received his Masters degree in Philosophy from Boston College, his Masters degree in Education from Harvard University, and his Doctor of Education degree from the University of Illinois, specializing in administration and curriculum theory. He has written extensively about educational leadership and the process of change. His recent books include: The Drama of Schooling/The Schooling of Drama, The Drama of Leadership, Building an Ethical School, and Transforming Educational Administration.
Vincent Cho
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