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ISBN10: 0078137101 | ISBN13: 9780078137105

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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The Sixth Edition of Pierce and Newstrom’s Leaders and the Leadership Process is a collection of readings, self-assessments, case studies and experiential exercises on leadership intended to give students a feel for the breadth and richness of this study. Leaders and the Leadership Process 6e provides students with a sense of the complexity associated with leadership in organizations as well as an understanding of the pieces that serve to define leadership. The authors create a "leadership mosaic," which encourages students to examine the concepts, propositions, perspectives, and theories individually as they build towards the student’s ultimate unique leadership mosaic.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Leadership
Chapter 2: The Leader-Follower Relationship: Leader-Member Exchange Quality, Justice, and Trust
Chapter 3: The Leader: Personality, Motives and Other Personal Qualities
Chapter 4: Leadership and the Role of Sex and Gender
Chapter 5: Leader Emergence: A Dynamic Process
Chapter 6: Leadership as an Influence Process
Chapter 7: Leadership and Leader Behaviors
Chapter 8: Contingency and Path-Goal Theories of Leadership: Situational and Follower Differences
Chapter 9: Leadership and the Cross-cultural Context
Chapter 10: Followers and the Leadership Process
Chapter 11: Leadership Style: Participative, Directive, and Laissez-faire
Chapter 12: Substitutes for Leadership
Chapter 13: Charismatic Leadership
Chapter 14: Transformational Leadership
Chapter 15: The Negative (Dark) Side of Leadership
Chapter 16: Positive Leadership: Spiritual, Ethical, and Authentic
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