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ISBN10: 0078029120 | ISBN13: 9780078029127

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Human Resource Management, 12e by Ivancevich and Konopaske takes a managerial orientation; that is it takes the position that HRM is relevant to managers in every unit, project, or team. Managers are constantly faced with HRM issues, problems, and decision-making and the text's primary goal is to show how each manager must be a human resource problem solver and diagnostician. This book pays attention to the application of HRM approaches in "real" organizational settings and situations. Realism, understanding, and critical thinking were important in the revision. Students and faculty alike have identified readability and relevance as key strengths of the text. The Twelfth Edition provides a book that stimulates ideas and keeps all users up-to-date on HRM thinking and practice.
Introduction to Human Resource Management and the Environment
1 Human Resource Management
2 A Strategic Management Approach to Human Resource Management
3 Legal Environment of Human Resource Management Equal Employment Opportunity
4 Global Human Resource Management
Acquiring Human Resources
5 Human Resource Planning
6 Job Analysis and Design
7 Recruitment
8 Selecting Effective Employees
Rewarding Human Resources
9 Performance Evaluation and Management
10 Compensation: An Overview
11 Compensation: Methods and Policies
12 Employee Benefits and Services
Developing Human Resources
13 Training and Development
14 Career Planning and Development
Labor–Management Relations and Promoting Safety and Health
15 Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining
16 Managing Employee Discipline
17 Promoting Safety and Health
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