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ISBN10: 1259277194 | ISBN13: 9781259277191

* The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.
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Case Studies in Finance links managerial decisions to capital markets and the expectations of investors. At the core of almost all of the cases is a valuation task that requires students to look to financial markets for guidance in resolving the case problem. The focus on value helps managers understand the impact of the firm on the world around it. These cases also invite students to apply modern information technology to the analysis of managerial decisions.
The cases may be taught in many different combinations. The eight-part sequence indicated by the table of contents relates to course designs used at the authors' schools. Each part of the casebook suggests a concept module, with a particular orientation.
1. Warren E. Buffett, 2015
2. The Battle for Value, 2016: FedEx Corp. vs. United Parcel Service, Inc.
3. Larry Puglia and the T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth Fund
4. Genzyme and Relational Investors: Science and Business Collide?
Financial Analysis and Forecasting
5. Business Performance Evaluation: Approaches for Thoughtful Forecasting
6. The Financial Detective, 2016
7. Whole Foods Market: The Deutsche Bank Report
8. Horniman Horticulture
9. Guna Fibres, Ltd.
Estimating the Cost of Capital
10. “Best Practices” in Estimating the Cost of Capital: An Update
11. Roche Holdings AG: Funding the Genentech Acquisition
12. H.J. Heinz: Estimating the Cost of Capital in Uncertain Times
13. Royal Mail plc: Cost of Capital
14. Chestnut Foods
15. Target Corporation
16. The Investment Detective
17. Centennial Pharmaceutical Corp
18. Worldwide Paper Company
19. Fonderia del Piemonte S.p.A.
20. Victoria Chemicals plc (A): The Merseyside Project
21. Victoria Chemicals plc (B): Merseyside and Rotterdam Projects
22. The Procter and Gamble Company: Investment in Crest Whitestrips Advanced Seal
23. Jacobs Division 2010
24. UVa Hospital System: The Long-term Acute Care Hospital Project
25. Star River Electronics Ltd. Capital project analysis and forecasting •••
Management of the Firm's Equity: Dividends and Repurchases
26. Rockboro Machine Tools Corporation Dividend payout decision •••
27. EMI Group PLC Dividend policy •••
28. Autozone, Inc. Dividend and stock buyback decisions •••
Management of the Corporate Capital Structure
29. An Introduction to Debt Policy and Value
30. M&M Pizza
31. Structuring Corporate Financial Policy: Diagnosis of Problems and Evaluation of Strategies
32. California Pizza Kitchen
33. Dominion Resources: Cove Point
34. Nokia OYJ: Financing the WP Strategic Plan
35. Kelly Solar
36. JC Penney Company
37. Horizon Lines, Inc. Financial distress/restructuring/bankruptcy
Analysis of Financing Tactics: Leases, Options, and Foreign Currency
38. Baker Adhesives
39. Vale SA
40. J&L Railroad
41. WNG Capital, LLC
42. MoGen, Inc.
Valuing the Enterprise: Acquisitions and Buyouts
43. Methods of Valuation: Mergers and Acquisitions
44. Medfield Pharmaceuticals
45. American Greetings
46. Ferrari: The 2015 Initial Public Offering
47. Rosetta Stone: Pricing the 2009 IPO
48. Sun Microsystems
49. Carter International
50. DuPont Corporation: Sale of Performance Coatings
51. OutReach Networks: First Venture Round
52. Sanofi-Aventis’s Tender Offer for Genzyme
53. Delphi Corporation
54. Flinder Valves and Controls Inc.
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