Last-Minute Study Sessions with McGraw Hill Connect®
During finals week, you may have to do some last-minute study cramming. Here are some tips that help me get through!
During finals week, you may have to do some last-minute study cramming. Here are some tips that help me get through!
Review Your Notes
During a last-minute study session, I make sure to review my notes, add questions to flashcards and quizzes, and search for more examples online. It is extremely helpful to review the most important material first, then continue by working through questions, and making up potential questions the professor might ask. My professor tends to give numerous example problems in class, so I make sure to study those and understand them in detail.
Use Connect Quizes
As a biochemistry major, I have used Connect in many of my courses. The night before a big quiz or major assignment, I create my own quiz and practice material I know could be on the chapter quiz. Connect provides a variety of question types and formats that allow me to feel comfortable with the material and fully prepare for my assignments, quizzes, and exams. I always find that the questions that force me to write out problems and solve them were the most helpful in retaining the information. Connect has various activities that allow me to apply what I learned, including application to real-life scenarios.
To see what activities might apply to your courses, check out Connect’s offerings, here.
Be Persistent!
A big takeaway is that you shouldn’t cram, but rather study over time so the night before a quiz or test, you simply review and feel more comfortable and confident with the material. I have noticed that setting aside 30 minutes every other day to review my notes for class helps tremendously. I don't have to worry about not knowing the material or feeling like I may not know a question because I review consistently. This practice has helped me in all aspects of life. Just 10, 20, or 30 minutes a day—or every other day—can help with retaining information better and makes studying the night before a quiz a lot less stressful.
Are you new to Connect? Check out this article to get started.