Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition https://www.mheducation.com/cover-images/Jpeg_400-high/1260695484.jpeg 12 9781260695489 Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition is a complete and balanced resource for nutrition information written at a level non-science majors can understand. Current research is at the core of every new edition with revised statistics, incorporation of new results of clinical trials, and updated recommendations. The text provides students who lack a strong science background with the ideal balance of reliable nutrition information and practical, consumer-oriented knowledge.
Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition

Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition

12th Edition
By Anne Smith and Angela Collene and Colleen Spees
ISBN10: 1260695484
ISBN13: 9781260695489
Copyright: 2022
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About the Author

Anne Smith

ANNE M. SMITH, PhD, RDN, LD is an associate professor emeritus at The Ohio State University. She was the recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Award from the College of Human Ecology, the Outstanding Dietetic Educator Award from the Ohio Dietetic Association, the Outstanding Faculty Member Award from the Department of Human Nutrition, and the Distinguished Service Award from the College of Education and Human Ecology for her commitment to undergraduate education in nutrition. Dr. Smith’s research in the area of vitamin and mineral metabolism has appeared in prominent nutrition journals, and she was awarded the Research Award from the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. She is a member of the American Society for Nutrition and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Angela Collene

ANGELA L. COLLENE, MS, RDN, LD began her career at her alma mater, The Ohio State University, as a research dietitian for studies related to diabetes and aging. Other professional experiences include community nutrition lecturing and counseling, owner of a personal chef business, and many diverse and rewarding science writing and editing projects. Her interests include novel approaches to glycemic control, weight management, and—quite predictably for the mother of three little girls—maternal and child nutrition. Mrs. Collene currently teaches nutrition at The Ohio State University and Ohio Northern University. She is a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Colleen Spees

COLLEEN K. SPEES, PhD, MEd, RDN, LD, FAND is an instructor and researcher at The Ohio State University College of Medicine. She has a Doctorate in Health Sciences from Ohio State with a research focus on Nutritional Genomics and Cancer and a Master’s degree in Exercise Science and Health Promotion from Vanderbilt University. Her teaching and research focus involves interventions to provide optimal nutrition for vulnerable populations. She also developed and teaches a graduate-level Nutritional Genomics course. Dr. Spees has received several awards from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: the Distinguished Practice Award; Award for Excellence in Oncology Nutrition Research; Outstanding Dietetic Educator Award; Nutrition Informatics Video Challenge Teaching Award; and Top Innovator in Education Teaching Award. She has been a Content Expert and Reviewer for the Academy’s Nutritional Genomics & Food Security Position Papers and is a Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.


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