Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain 4 9781260239461 The Fourth Edition of Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain offers a global, supply chain perspective of operations management treatment that embraces the foundations of operations management but includes new frameworks, concepts, and tools to address the demands of today and changing needs of the future. We live in dynamic and exciting times due to many changes affecting nearly every aspect of business - including operations management. This fourth edition reflects key shifts in operations management. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.
Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain

Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain

4th Edition
By Morgan Swink and Steven Melnyk and Janet L. Hartley and M. Bixby Cooper
ISBN10: 1260239462
ISBN13: 9781260239461
Copyright: 2020
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ISBN10: 1260696200 | ISBN13: 9781260696202



The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

Program Details

Table of Contents

Ch. 1 Introduction to Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain
Ch. 2 Operations and Supply Chain Strategy
Ch. 3 Managing Processes and Capacity
Ch. 3a Process Mapping and Analysis
Ch. 4 Product/Process Innovation
Ch. 5 Manufacturing and Service Process Structures
Ch. 6 Managing Quality
Ch. 6a Quality Improvement Tools
Ch. 7 Managing Inventories
Ch. 8 Lean Systems
Ch. 9 Customer Service Management 
Ch. 10 Sourcing and Supply Management
Ch. 11 Logistics Management
Ch. 12 Demand Planning: Forecasting and Demand Management
Ch. 13 Sales and Operations Planning
Ch. 14 Materials and Resource Requirements Planning
Ch. 15 Project Management
Ch. 15a Advanced Methods for Project Scheduling
Ch. 16 Sustainable Operations Management – Preparing for the Future

About the Author

Morgan Swink

Morgan Swink is Professor, Eunice and James L. West Chair of Supply Chain Management, and Executive Director of the Center for Supply Chain Innovation at the Neeley School of Business, Texas Christian University. He holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Southern Methodist University, an MBA from the University of Dallas, and a PhD in Operations Management from Indiana University. Before becoming a professor, Dr. Swink worked for 10 years in a variety of manufacturing and product development positions at Texas Instruments Incorporated. He has co-authored three books and published over 75 articles in a variety of academic and managerial journals. Dr. Swink is formerly the Co-Editor in Chief for the Journal of Operations Management and past president of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Steven Melnyk

Steven Melnyk is Professor of Operations Management at Michigan State University. Dr. Melnyk obtained his undergraduate degree from the University of Windsor and his doctorate from the Ivey School of Business, the University of Western Ontario. He has co-authored 17 books focusing on operations and the supply chain and has published 90 refereed articles in numerous international and national journals. He is Associate Editor for the Journal of Business Logistics. He also is a member of the editorial advisory board for the Production and Inventory Management Journal, the Journal of Supply Chain Management, and the International Journal of Production Research. Dr. Melnyk is co-editor (North America) for the Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Dr. Melynk has consulted with over 60 companies. He has also served as a member of the APICS Board of Directors (2014–2016) and the APICS leadership team (2015).

Janet L. Hartley

Janet L. Hartley is Professor and Director of the Supply Chain Management Institute of the Department of Management at Bowling Green State University. She received her BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla, and the MBA and PhD degrees in Business Administration from the University of Cincinnati. Prior to graduate school, she developed new products and designed new manufacturing processes for the Clorox Company. She has published over 28 articles on supply management and supply chain management. She serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Business Logistics, and Journal of Supply Chain Management.

M. Bixby Cooper

M. Bixby Cooper is an Associate Professor Emeritus in the Department of Supply Chain Management at Michigan State University. He is coauthor of three texts on distribution and logistics, including World Class Logistics: The Challenge of Managing Continuous Change and Strategic Marketing Channel Management. He is also coauthor of Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain published by McGraw Hill. He served for four years on the Executive Board of the International Customer Service Association as head of the Research and Education Committee.


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Algorithmic Problems

are auto-graded exercises that use different numeric values each time a problem is served up to the student. This gives students practice in working a problem several times; they get the same question, but with different numbers each time. This also deters cheating because each student in a class or lab receives a slightly different version of the problem and corresponding answer.

Excel Data Sets:

A convenient new feature is the inclusion of an Excel data file link in many problems using data files in their calculations. The link allows students to easily launch into Excel, work the problem, and return to Connect to key in the answers that are auto-graded to save instructors time.

Concept Overview Videos:

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Interactive Data Problems:

NEW application problems present students with data, graphs, and tables, and allow them to visualize and manipulate the information in order to answer a series of assignable and gradable questions.

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