Loose Leaf Teachers Schools and Society https://www.mheducation.com/cover-images/Jpeg_400-high/0078024455.jpeg 10 9780078024450 The most reader friendly text in its field, the tenth edition presents a comprehensive overview of education in America. It provides in-depth commentary on educational history, philosophy, and governance, while giving special attention to current critical topics such as the changing federal role in educational finance. Newly revised for this edition, Chapter 4 (Life in School and at Home) now includes obesity, eating disorders, and a revised section on poverty. A major revision of Chapter 5, now titled Reforming America's Schools, includes updates from the stimulus plan based on new reports on federal programs and new funding formulas. Chapter 6 on Curriculum, Standards and Testing has a new section on emerging trends in the curriculum.
Loose Leaf Teachers Schools and Society

Loose Leaf Teachers Schools and Society

10th Edition
By David M. Sadker and Karen Zittleman and Myra P. Sadker
ISBN10: 0078024455
ISBN13: 9780078024450
Copyright: 2013
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ISBN10: 0078024455 | ISBN13: 9780078024450



The estimated amount of time this product will be on the market is based on a number of factors, including faculty input to instructional design and the prior revision cycle and updates to academic research-which typically results in a revision cycle ranging from every two to four years for this product. Pricing subject to change at any time.

Program Details


PART I: Teachers and Students

Chapter 1: Becoming a Teacher

Teaching Career – Is It Right For You?

Professionalism at the Crossroads

From Normal Schools to Board-Certified Teachers

How Teachers are Prepared Today
Urban Legends about Teaching

American Schools: Better Than We Think?

We Like Questions

The Teachers, Schools and Society Reader
Key Terms and People
Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 2: Different Ways of Learning

Multiple Intelligences

Is Gender a Learning Style?

Instructional Technology 
The Five Minds

Multiple Intelligences

Instructional Technology Assessment
The Five Minds

Emotional Intelligence

Learning Styles

Do Boys and Girls Learn Differently?

Brain Differences

Exceptional Learners

The Gifted and Talented
Special Education
Assistive Technology
The Teachers, Schools, and Society Reader
Key Terms and People
Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 3: Teaching your Diverse Students

Student Diversity

Failing at Fairness
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Students (LGBT)
Putting a Price on Racism
Theories of Why Some Groups Succeed and Others Do Not
From the Melting Pot to Cultural Pluralism

Bilingual Education

Bilingual Education Models
The Bilingual Controversy
Research on Bilingual Education

Multicultural Education

The Multiculturalism Debate
Approaches to Multicultural Education

Culturally Responsive Teaching


Today’s Classroom

Meet Your Seventh-Grade Class
Lindsey Maria Riley (Navajo)
Marcus Griffin (African American)
Ana Garcia (Mexican American)
Kasem Pravat (Asian American from Thailand)
Ariel Klein (Jewish American)
Mary Goode (Rural White)
Ibrahim Mouawad (Arab American)
Carlos Martinez (Gay)
Diversity Assets
Teaching Skills
We Are One
The Teachers, Schools, and Society Reader
Key Terms and People
Discussion Questions and Activities
INTASC Reflective Activities and Your Portfolio: Introduction
INTASC Reflective Activities and Your Portfolio: Part I

PART II: Schools and Curriculum

Chapter 4: Student Life in School and at Home

Rules, Rituals, and Routines

“Come Right Up and Get Your New Books”: A Teacher’s Perspective
“Come Right Up and Get Your New Books”: A Student’s Perspective

Watching the Clock

The Teacher as Gatekeeper

The Other Side of the Tracks

The Gendered World of Elementary and Middle Schools

Guest of Column: Haunted by Racist Attitudes

High School: Lessons in Social Status

Social Challenges Come to School

Family Patterns
Wage Earners and Parenting
Latchkey Kids
Hidden America: Homeless Families

Children: At Promise or At Risk?

Dropping Out
Sexuality and Teenage Pregnancy
Substance Abuse
Obesity and Eating Disorders
Youth Suicide
The Teachers, Schools, and Society Reader
Key Terms and People
Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 5: Purposes of America’s Schools and the Current Reform Movement

What is the Purpose of School?

Purpose 1: To Transmit Society’s Knowledge and Values (Passing the Cultural Baton)
Purpose 2: Reconstructing Society (Schools as Tools for Change)

Public Demand for Schools

Where Do You Stand?

What Makes a School Effective? 

Factor 1: Strong Leadership 
Factor 2: A Clear School Mission 
Factor 3: A Safe and Orderly Climate 
Factor 4: Monitoring Student Progress 
Factor 5: High Expectations 
Beyond the Five Factors 

Education Reform and School Choice

Charter Schools 
Full Service Schools for the Whole Child
Magnet Schools 
Open Enrollment 
Schools for Profit 
Home Schools 
Green Schools 

Teachers, Students, and Reform

The Importance of Trust
Students and School Reform
Rethinking Reform
The Teachers, Schools, and Society Reader
Key Terms and People
Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 6: Curriculum, Standards, and Testing

The Saber-Tooth Curriculum

The Visible Curriculum

The Invisible Curriculum 

The Extracurriculum 

Who and What Shape the Curriculum? 

Parental and Community Groups 
State Government 
Local Government 
Colleges and Universities 
Standardized Tests 
Education Commissions and Committees 
Professional Organizations 
Special Interest Groups 
Federal Government 

The Reign of the Textbook 

The Testing Legacy of No Child Left Behind

Common Core State Standards

The Problems with Standardized Tests

Evaluating Teachers by Student Test Scores

Alternatives to High-Stakes Testing 

Tension Points 

Intelligent Design versus Evolution 
Censorship and the Curriculum 
Cultural Literacy or Cultural Imperialism? 

The Technology Revolution 

Ways Technology is Used in the Classroom 
The Digital Divide 

Suggestions for Tomorrow’s Curriculum

The Teachers, Schools, and Society Reader
Key Terms and People
Discussion Questions and Activities
INTASC Reflective Activities and Your Portfolio: Part II

PART III: Foundations

Chapter 7: The History of American Education

Christopher Lamb’s Colonial Classroom

Colonial New England Education: God’s Classrooms

A New Nation Shapes Education

The Common School Movement

Native American Tribes: The History of Miseducation

Spinsters, Bachelors, and Gender Barriers in Teaching

The Secondary School Movement

A Brief History of Educational Reform

John Dewey and Progressive Education

The Federal Government

Black Americans: The Struggle for a Chance to Learn

Hispanics: Growing School Impact

Mexican American
Puerto Ricans
Cuban Americans

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: The Magnitude of Diversity

Chinese Americans
Filipino Americans
Asian Indian Americans
Japanese Americans
Southeast Asian Americans

Arab Americans: Moving Beyond the Stereotype

Women and Education: A History of Sexism

Hall of Fame: Profiles in Education

The Teachers, Schools, and Society Reader
Key Terms and People
Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 8: Philosophy of Education

Finding Your Philosophy of Education

Inventory of Philosophies of Education

Interpreting Your Response

Five Philosophies of Education

Teacher-Centered Philosophies


Student-Centered Philosophies

Social Reconstructionism
Can Teachers Blend These Five Philosophies

Psychological Influences on Education


Cultural Influences on Education

The Three Legendary Figures of Classical Western Philosophy

Basic Philosophical Issues and Concepts

Metaphysics and Epitsemology
Ethics, Political Philosophy, and Aesthetics Logic

Your Turn

The Teachers, Schools, and Society Reader
Key Terms and People
Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 9: Financing and Governing America's Schools

Follow the Money: Financing America’s Schools

Why Should Teachers Care Where the Money Comes From?
The Property Tax: The Road to Unequal Schools
Reforming Education Finance
From Robin Hood to Adequacy
Does Money Matter?
States Finding the Money
The Federal Government’s Role in Financing Education

Schools, Children, and Commercialism

Commercializing Childhood
Brand Name Education: Should Schools Be Open for Business?

What the Future May Hold for School Finance

Choice Programs and the Neighborhood School
Longer School Day and Year
The Economy’s Impact on School Budgets
The Rich Poor Divide is Likely to Grow
Decaying Infrastructure
Commercializing Children and Schools

Governing America’s Schools

School Governance Quiz
The Legal Control of Schools 
State Influence Grows as School Boards Come under Fire 
The School Superintendent and Principal 
Covert Power in Schools 
Business and Schools 
Making Schools More Responsive 
Education in Finland
The Teachers, Schools, and Society Reader
Key Terms and People
Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 10: School Law and Ethics

Classroom Law

What Is Your Rights Quotient?

I. Teachers’ Rights and Responsibilities
II. Students Rights and Responsibilities

Teaching and Ethics

Cheating: The Dishonor Role
Social Networking Comes to School
Protecting Your Students
Moral Education: Programs That Teach Right from Wrong
Classrooms that Explore Ethical Issues
The Teachers, Schools, and Society Reader
Key Terms and People
Discussion Questions and Activities
INTASC Reflective Activities and your Portfolio: Part III

PART IV: Your Classroom

Chapter 11: Teacher Effectiveness

Are Teachers Born or Made?

Academic Learning Time

Classroom Management

Management Models
Preventing Problems

The Pedagogical Cycle

Clarity and Academic Structure
Student Response
Reaction or Productive Feedback

Variety in Process and Content

Technology as a Tool for Effective Teaching

Models for Effective Instruction

Direct Teaching
Cooperative learning
Mastery Learning
Problem-Based Learning
Differentiated Instruction

A Few More Thoughts on Effective Teaching 

The Teachers, Schools, and Society Reader
Key Terms and People
Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 12: Your First Classroom

Stages of Teacher Development

Your First Year: Induction into the Profession

Your First Day: Creating a Productive Classroom Climate
Professional Development Programs
Personalizing Schools

The Intangible (But Very Real) Rewards of Teaching

Educational Associations

The NEA and the AFT
Professional Associations and Resources

Tomorrow’s Classroom?

The Teachers, Schools, and Society Reader
Key Terms and People
Discussion Questions and Activities

Chapter 13: Q and A Guide to Entering the Teaching Profession

What Are My Chances of Finding a Teaching Position?

Who Are My Teaching Colleagues? What Are the Demographics of Today’s Teachers?

What Are My Chances for Earning a Decent Salary?

Do Private Schools Pay Less than Public Schools?

How Do I Apply for a Teaching Job? Do I Need a Resume or a Portfolio?

How Do I Prepare for a Successful Interview?

What Do I Need in Order to Teach – A License or Certification? By the Way, What’s the Difference?

If I Want to Teach in Another State, Do I need Another Teacher’s License?

What Is an Endorsement? 

What Are “Alternative” Or Non-Traditional Routes To Getting A Teacher’s License?

What Are Teacher Competency Tests?

How Do Teaching Contracts Work?

What Are Some Advantages of Tenure?

What Are Some Disadvantages of Tenure?

Are Untenured Teachers Protected?

Can Principals Be Tenured?

What Teaching Positions Exist in Unique School Settings

What Kinds of Educational Careers Are Available Beyond Classroom Teaching?

Key Terms and People
INTASC Reflective Activities and Your Portfolio: Part IV


Test Appendices

1: Teacher Competency Exams (Go to www.mhhe.com/sadker10e for Praxis™ Sample Test Questions)  
2: State Offices for Teacher Certification and Licensure
INTASC Concepts and Content in Teachers, Schools, and Society, Tenth Edition 

Online Appendixes

A: Classroom Observation Guidelines
B: State Offices for Teacher Certification and Licensure
C: Praxis™ Sample Test Questions

About the Author

David M. Sadker

David Sadker has taught in middle and senior high schools, as well as at the college level, and has been a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside and American University (Washington, DC) for more than three decades. He and his late wife Myra Sadker, gained a national reputation for research and publications concerning the impact of gender in schools. (To learn more about Myra’s life and work, visit www.sadker.org). Dr. Sadker has degrees from CCNY, Harvard University, and the University of Massachusetts. He has written several books and numerous articles in both professional and popular journals. He co-authored Failing at Fairness: How Our Schools Cheat Girls, (Touchstone Press in 1995), and his research has been reported in hundreds of newspapers and magazines including USA Today, USA Weekend, Parade Magazine, Business Week, The Washington Post, The London Times, The New York Times, Time, and Newsweek. He has appeared on local and national television and radio shows such as The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Phil Donahue’s The Human Animal, National Public Radio’s All Things Considered and Talk of the Nation, and twice on Dateline: NBC with Jane Pauley. The Sadkers received the American Educational Research Association’s award for the best review of research published in the United States (1991), their professional service award in 1995, and their Willystine Goodsell award in 2004. The Sadkers were recognized with the Eleanor Roosevelt Award from The American Association of University Women in 1995, and the Gender Architect Award from the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education in 2001. David Sadker has received two honorary doctorates.

Karen Zittleman

Karen R. Zittleman came to American University as a graduate student, worked with Dr. Sadker on gender equity research, then began researching teacher education issues, and now has graduated to co-author of this text. Karen brings both energy and insights to this textbook. Karen attended the University of Wisconsin for her bachelor’s degree, and American University for her master’s and doctorate. She teaches at American University’s School of Education, and has been a virtual teacher for several courses offered online through the Women’s Educational Equity Act. Her articles about gender, Title IX, and teacher education appear in the Journal of Teacher Education, Educational Leadership, Phi Delta Kappan, Principal and other professional journals. She is a contributing author to Teaching and Gender Equity: Foundations, Skills, Methods and Strategies (Lawrence Erlbaum publishers), and has created several equity websites. Karen has also authored Making Public Schools Great for Every Girl and Boy, an instructional guide on promoting equity in math and science instruction (National Educational Association), and educational film guides for A Hero for Daisy and Apple Pie: Raising Champions. She is project manager for Myra Sadker Advocates. Karen’s research interests have focused on educational equity, foundations of education, teacher preparation, and spirituality in education.

Myra P. Sadker

Myra Pollack Sadker (1943-1995) pioneered much of the research documenting gender bias in America's schools. She was Professor of Education and Dean of the School of Education at American University. She died while undergoing treatment for breast cancer in 1995. Through her writings and lectures, Myra Sadker alerted Americans to the academic, physical, psychological and career costs of sexism. She wrote the first book for teachers on the issue of sexism in 1973. Over twenty years later, in 1994, she coauthored the first popular book on this topic: Failing at Fairness: How America's Schools Cheat Girls. Between these two publications, Myra Sadker brought her cause for educational equity to a national audience. Along with her husband David, Myra Sadker spoke in more than forty states and overseas, giving hundreds of presentations and workshops for teachers and parents concerned with the negative impact of sexist behaviors. She wrote scores of articles on how to raise and teach children free from the debilitating impact of sexism. In her name, Myra Sadker Advocates was established to continue her efforts and create more equitable and effective schools. You are invited to learn more about Myra’s contributions and the work of Myra Sadker Advocates, including Myra Sadker Day – March 5th, by visiting the website established in her name: www.sadker.org.