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Roger G. Schroeder is the Frank A. Donaldson Chair Emeritus in Supply Chain and Operations Management at the Curtis L. Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. He received B.S. and MSIE degrees in Industrial Engineering with high distinction from the University of Minnesota and a Ph.D. from Northwestern University. He held positions in the Carlson School of Management as Director of the Ph.D. program, Chair of the Operations and Management Science Department, and Co-Director of the Joseph M. Juran Center for Leadership in Quality.

Professor Schroeder has obtained research grants from the National Science Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the American Production and Inventory Control Society. His research is in the areas of quality management, operations strategy, and high-performance manufacturing, and he is among the most widely published and cited researchers in the field of operations management. He has been selected as a member of the University of Minnesota Academy of Distinguished Teachers and is a recipient of the Morse Award for outstanding teaching.

Professor Schroeder received the lifetime achievement award in operations management from the Academy of Management, and he is a Fellow of the Decision Sciences Institute and a Fellow of the Production and Operations Management Society. Professor Schroeder has consulted widely with numerous organizations, including 3M, Honeywell, General Mills, Motorola, Golden Valley Foods, and Prudential Life Insurance Company. 

Susan Meyer Goldstein is Associate Professor in the Supply Chain and Operations Department at the Curtis L. Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. She earned a B.S. degree in Genetics and Cell Biology and an M.B.A. at the University of Minnesota and worked in the healthcare industry for several years. She later obtained a Ph.D. in operations management from Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University.

Professor Goldstein has served on the faculty at the University of Minnesota since 1998 and was a Visiting Professor at the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis for two years. Her current research and teaching interests involve service process design and management, as well as operations strategy issues. Her research has been published in Decision Sciences, Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, and Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, among others. She serves on the editorial boards of many operations and service journals. She is the recipient of several research awards and research grants, and has received the Carlson School of Management Teaching Award and the Carlson School of Management Service Award.