During this difficult time, with nearly all face-to-face classes moving online, we know a lot of institutions and faculty are looking for help. That’s why the McGraw-Hill Learning Science Advisory Board, made up of a group of distinguished learning scientists from around the globe, has compiled a listing of resources for faculty and students engaged in ramping up distance learning courses and otherwise responding to the coronavirus pandemic.  We hope you find these useful.  

--Robert S. Feldman, University of Massachusetts Amherst, and Chair of the McGraw-Hill Learning Science Advisory Board

Q.  Where do I start if I’ve never taught an online course before?

A.  The Chronicle of Higher Education has a new report, “Moving Online Now: How to Keep Teaching During Coronavirus,” which provides an excellent, step-by-step guide to online instruction.  

In addition, the Online Learning Consortium has a comprehensive set of resources supporting a quick shift to online instruction.


Q.  Are there online courses for me to take that can provide instruction on how to teach an online course?

A.  EdX is offering a course, “Pivoting to Online Teaching: Research and Practitioner Perspectives.” Additional course resources on “Pivoting to Online Teaching” are also available and you can follow the discussions online at #pivotonline. 

In addition, Athabasca, a Canadian online college, is re-running a free MOOC on Learning to Learn Online.


Q.  I don’t know much about research on online learning and what we know about what factors contribute to a positive student experience.  What’s going on in this domain?

A.  Here are a few selected sources that address the efficacy of online instruction:

Q.  I’m concerned about quality assurance in online learning courses.  What are the metrics relating to high-quality online education?

A.  There are several organizations that focus on delivering quality online courses that produce deep and lasting student learning.  Check out these resources:

Q.  Is there a good example of a university or college addressing an institutional-wide switch to online instruction?

A.  One excellent example is Teachers College of Columbia University, one of the premier colleges of education in the country.  Here’s what they are suggesting: Academic Continuity Planning.


Q.  I’m feeling stress and anxiety from this unprecedented situation, and so are my students.  Are there resources that can help?

A.  The American Psychological Association has put together a page describing research findings relevant to this very real and concerning issue.